CSM Civil Affairs Specialist

CSM (Join to see)

Estimated Re-Assignment Date : (Join to see)
72% Complete
14 Endorsements
92 Contacts
Influence Score: 130,209
11 out of 5,880 E-9s
About Discussions


  • SSG Feb 05
  • SFC May 08
  • MSG Sep 13
  • 1SG Oct 15
  • MSG Oct 16
  • 1SG Jul 17
  • SGM Apr 18
  • CSM May 18


I have 20 years in uniform this year and have been lucky enough to have a wide range of experiences in 2 MOS's, 11B and 38B. Looking to expand my knowledge and get more experience as long as I am able to serve. Feel free to ask any specific questions any of you reading this may have. Hoping to spend as long as the Army allows me to be useful in service.