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Influence Score: 24,820
2,505 out of 865,829 Veterans
2,505 out of 865,829 Veterans
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I want to use RP to connect with veterans everywhere and discuss issues that concern modern servicemembers. I love a good conversation.
Military Experiences
Aug 2015 - Present
Squad Leader/Training NCO/Combat Camera
I spent 8 months in the IRR before returning to MARFORRES, where I was assigned as a team leader with LS Platoon, TS Company, CLB-23. After a platoon reorganization as a result of marines deploying or mustering out, I was promoted to squad leader.
Jan 2019 - Jan 2020
I served in SPMAGTF SC 19, 2d MLG, as an LS team lead. I served aboard Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras, and at sites in Guatemala, Brazil, and Colombia, training for humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations.
Jun 2010 - Oct 2014
Landing Support Specialist
As a landing support specialist at 4th LSB (later CLB-453), I spent a lot of my time doing your typical military annual classes. I also participated in MOUT exercises with instructors from Camp Pendleton's Urban Warfare School; worked the A/DACG at Travis AFB in the cargo terminal and manifest office; and volunteered in the Toys for Tots program. I participated in Javelin Thrust in 2012, running the Entry Control Point at Camp Wilson, in which we processed over 200 transport missions.
Mar 2013 - Mar 2014
Landing Support Specialist/LZ Control
I worked as a landing support specialist in LS Platoon, TS Company during Operation Enduring Freedom 13.2; I was posted to Forward Operating Base Shukvani, where I ran the A/DACG as well as supported Special Operations missions. I participated in several detainee and medevac ops, and worked joint missions with the British Royal Air Force, US Army, and other units in the Marine Corps. I took over as Air Traffic Control NCOIC the last month and a half of the deployment and was subsequently in charge of LZ Control. We participated in Operation Walk-off, demobilizing FOB Shukvani in three weeks almost entirely by external sling operations. I planned and executed 115 missions with the CRUAS drone helicopter and worked alongside Lockheed contractors in that area.
(1 year, 1 month)Jun 2019 - Nov 2019
South America
I was a Landing Support OIC with Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Southern Command, spending time in Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, and Brazil.
Jul 2013 - Jan 2014
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
I deployed to FOB Shukvani in Sangin, Helmand Province; I ran the A/DACG there, as well as acted as LZ Control/Air Traffic Control NCOIC. I worked alongside Special Operations and also spent considerable time planning and executing 115 missions with the Lockheed CRUAS drone.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 2011 - Feb 2011
Basic Landing Support Specialist Course
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information