82% Complete
0 Endorsements
20 Contacts
Influence Score: 12,572
4,635 out of 867,658 Veterans
4,635 out of 867,658 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Customer service in while working at Food Lion grocery chain and Dish Network. Two deployments to Afghanistan and one to South Korea and while on my first deployment, provide CAS mission ready aircraft during the combat outpost Keating's overrun.
Military Experiences
Jul 2009 - Aug 2013
Crew Chief
Dedicated crew chief on A-10 thunderbolt 2, responsible for all maintenance actions and forms documentation. Lead technician and team lead on maintenance duties, maintained combat readiness, perform combat maintenance and kept aircraft mission ready. Maintained support equipment and tools to support all maintenance actions.
(1 year, 10 months)Sep 2012 - Apr 2013

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Supported CAS and CSAR missions and flew over 10,000 flying hours and did not miss one sortee
Mar 2011 - Sep 2011

South Korea
Passed Operation Readiness Inspection on first attempt and our unit won two load competition and top crew chief award.
Jul 2009 - Jan 2010

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Supported CAS missions for combat outpost Keating. Flew over 10,000 flying hours and did not miss one combat sortee.
Academic Degrees
Personal Information