BG Robert Hipwell

BG Robert Hipwell

Dates of Service: Aug 1968 - May 2010
80% Complete
129 Contacts
Influence Score: 29,607
2,114 out of 864,245 Veterans
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  • SGT Apr 69
  • 2LT Jun 76
  • 1LT Jun 79
  • CPT Jun 83
  • MAJ Jun 90
  • LTC Mar 97
  • COL Dec 01
  • BG Jul 06
Commissioning Source:  OCS, Jun 1976

Recent Activity  -


Bvt. MG Commanding US Volunteers - America BG (Ret) Robert Hipwell Last Overseas Duty assignment was Commanding General, 300th Military Police Brigade, Baghdad Iraq Oct07- Dec08. He enlisted in the Regular Army in 1968 and served his first combat tour in Vietnam from 1970 to 1971 as a Sergeant in L Co (Rangers) 75th INF 101st Abn Div as Long Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance, APL

Military Experiences

Oct 2007 - Dec 2008
Commanding General
Jan 2005 - Oct 2007
Henley-Putnam University
Director of Business Development
May 2003 - Dec 2003
Provost Marshal


(5 years, 2 months)
Oct 2007 - Dec 2008
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Commanding General 300th Military Police Brigade supporting TF134 Detainee Operations with over 20,000 detainees in two places first in Camp Bucca and at Camp Cropper, Baghdad.
Aug 2004 - Dec 2004
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Served as TF Phoenix's Senior Military Advisor to assist, coach, teach and mentor the Afghanistan National Army Central Corps Commander on strategic, operational and tactical issues. Served as Commander of Camp Black Horse. Responsible for overall safety and security of entire coalition camp of over 350 coalition service members.
Jan 2004 - Jul 2004
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Director, Ministry of Defence, Office of Military Cooperation, Afghanistan responsibilities included Senior Military Advisor to assist, coach, teach and mentor the Afghanistan Minister of Defence, Abdul Rahim Wardak on strategic, operational and tactical issues that affect Afghanistan National Security.
May 2003 - Dec 2003
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Combined Joint Task Force-7 (CJTF-7) Provost Marshal. Supervise and facilitate all CJTF-7 MP functions for 3 MP Brigades. Overwatch the planning and execution of Combat MP operations in support of OIF. Serve as Senior MP Advisor for CJTF-7 Commander. Conducts coordination and collaboration with Coalition Provisional Command, USCENTCOM and CFLCC.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2007 - 2008

Dar al Hekma, Baghdad Iraq

Doctorate, Honorary Doctorate

Personal Information

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to discuss veteran related issuesTo grow my professional career