SPC William Weedman

SPC William Weedman

Dates of Service: Aug 1988 - Apr 1996
85% Complete
72 Contacts
Influence Score: 46,757
1,458 out of 864,245 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Feb 89
  • PFC Jun 89
  • SPC Nov 90

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I've had many many titles over the years, a few that I treasure are "Doc", veteran,"uncle" & husband. I would never have dreamed that I would find my Beautiful Angel and life in Europe but this is where I have been led. I am happier here than I have ever been in my life and only think it can get better. I still think like a soldier and try to keep my medic skills sharp as possible.

Military Experiences

Oct 1990 - Apr 1996
Squad Leader
First squad Member later Squad Leader in Ambulance Platoon. Had 5 soldiers who reported to me and while in the field commanded 3 M-113 track ambulances. Called to state active duty twice for state emergencies in 1993 & 1994.
Mar 1990 - Aug 1991
Squad Member
Member of a treatment team, primary duty was to Aviation BAS at Ft. Hood Airfield. Was given the choice of deploying to SW Asia with 1st Cav Div or ETS to Louisville, KY. After counsel with my XO (who threatened me with bodily harm if I re-enlisted to deploy) I ETSed in August of 1990 and found a home with a national guard unit. Earned my AAM during Sabers West FTX April 1990.
Feb 1989 - Feb 1990
Squad Member
Member Clearing\Treatment Platoon also assigned to MTF as Medical CQ on-call. Spent 2 weeks with 1/506th Infantry on DMZ patrol detail in October 1989.

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills


Dutch (1/1+)

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Personal Information
