SGM Mikel Dawson

SGM Mikel Dawson

Dates of Service: Feb 1983 - 2006
65% Complete
115 Contacts
Influence Score: 781,231
182 out of 865,185 Veterans
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  • PV2
  • PFC 1983
  • SPC 1983
  • SGT 1985
  • SSG 1988
  • SFC Jan 95
  • MSG 1997
  • SGM 2000

Recent Activity  -


Currently working as a farrier in Denmark. Here you can read what I've been up to after service: Danish Farrier Certification - 2008 Certified with The Guild of Professional Farriers - Registered Journeyman Farrier

Military Experiences

2002 - 2004
ARMY RESERVE UNIT, 7TH ARCOM. WHEN ON ACTIVE DUTY OUR UNIT WAS THE G2/G3 FOR V CORPS REAR CP. I was the V Corps Rear CP SGM. Since we wore the V Corps patch, many didn't know we were an Army Reserve unit. Those who did know, grew to know our work and depend on us. We reported for duty in Jan, 2003 and deployed to Camp Virginia, Kuwait, later moving to Balad, then to Victory Base, Baghdad.
Ended in 2000
Detachment NCOIC
Base Defense Liaison Team NCOIC / Detachment NCOIC. Our unit's mission was rear area security and accountability. We had BDLT teams comprised of 11B, 12B, 95B. I was the 12B and team NCOIC with additional duty as 1SG. We assisted CS/CSS base commanders in building a base defense plan, reviewing current plans and suggesting improvements. Stationed at Wiesbaden Army Air Field, we also took part in local BSB base defense drills, assessing local requirements and current measures.
1990 - 1992
Squad Leader
Squad leader, 12B. I was 1st Squad leader and when my PS went to ANCOC, I was the platoon sergeant. I filled this position for almost 9 months. Mobility / Counter-mobility was our mission. As an Army Reserve unit we also blew bridges for the U.S. Forest Service; installed a pre-built ladder down into Hells Canyon, our equipment platoon did road work for Forest Service. Having the Owyhee desert, mountains behind Boise, Id and Gowen Field training areas, we spent lots of time in the field. We'd do target folders on bridges in Boise, rappelling cliffs behind Boise. My Sqd came in 1st place in our Sqd Comp, 1992. Great guys.
1985 - 1989
Drill Sergeant
104th Div located in Washington/Oregon. We'd do basic training at Ft. Benning, FT. Jackson. In 1989 our BDE was assigned a MATC training mission - establish facilities and run one basic training cycle through Ft. Lewis (North Fort). The Idaho National Guard started a program Prep-Train. It took those newly enlisted Reserve / Guard soldiers and ran them through a three day weekend just before going to Basic. The Idaho Guard provided logistics while the Army Reserve provided the trainers. Since I was living in Idaho, I was detailed to this mission. We'd run a APFT so they knew what shape they were in; we start them learning their General Orders; Break down M16A1; D&C. We didn't expect them to remember everything, but it was a way to give them a heads up before basic. Success was good


(2 years, 10 months)
Mar 2003 - Mar 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
V Corps Rear G3 SGM; After CJTF-7 took effect on 15 June 2003, over saw the Palace building to include defense/evacuation plans; later worked with Australian Colonel as liaison between civilian contractors and Corps of Engineers on Palace project; ensured all unit equipment was prepped and readied for redeployment.
Jan 2003 - Mar 2003
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Kuwait
Deployed under OEF attended V Corps pre-deployment, prepared equipment for shipment to Kuwait by boat. Finally deployed to Kuwait establishing the V Corps Rear G2/G3 sections in Feb 2003. As most our equipment was "on the boat" had to scrounge lots of SSSC stuff to keep the TOC running, insuring life support for all my soldier.
Aug 2002
Was more a TDY to Kiev, Ukraine. Was detailed to give courses on NCOPD to the Ministry of Defense General Staff. Was a great tour, but a tough one. Working through a translator is hard work. It was interesting giving courses to our former enemy.
Mar 2001 - Sep 2001
Kosovo ribbon
USNSE NCOIC: Responsible for over seeing health, welfare of all U.S. service personnel and civilian contractors assigned to NATO HQ in Pristinia, Kosovo, and other NATO HQs in Albania, Macedonia and Greece. Over saw the day to day operations of the U.S. NSE and coordination with other NATO NSEs.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Ended in Oct 2003

Sergent Majors Course

Mar 1996


Ended in 1986

Foreign Language Skills

Danish (1/1)

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2004 - 2006

Danish National Farrier Certification

Job/Skill Training

1975 - 2015

School of Hard Knocks

Job/Skill Training, Life and how to Live
