Sgt Jay Jones

Sgt Jay Jones

Dates of Service: Jun 1969 - May 1974
77% Complete
98 Contacts
Influence Score: 217,676
475 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt Jun 69
  • PFC Aug 69
  • LCpl Feb 70
  • Cpl Jun 70
  • Sgt Jun 71

Recent Activity  -


Air Traffic Controller Kansas City ARTCC; Grand Island, NE, ATCT; Omaha, NE ATCT; Omaha, NE FSS; Fort Worth, TX FSS/AFSS DeRidder, LA AFSS - Operations Supervisor/Operations Manager, Acting Air Traffic Manager. Lockheed Martin Associate Operations Manager; Fort Worth, TX Associate Operations Supervisor. Retired Supervisory Air Traffic Controller. Private Pilots License.

Military Experiences

Apr 1973 - May 1974
NCOIC, Discharge Section
Supervised team of Marines who processed active duty Marines attached to Reserve Units throughout the United States.
Apr 1972 - Apr 1973
Human Relations Instructor
Conducted Human Relations training to military and civilian personnel. This included serving as facilitator and the presentation of a 50 minute orientation speech at the beginning of each class.
Jul 1971 - Jan 1972
Disbursing Clerk
Reviews and audited pay records of discharged Marines to ensure they received all monies for which they were entitled.


(10 months)
Sep 1970 - Jun 1971
Force Logistics Command, Camp Books, RVN
Force Logistics Command, Camp Books, RVN. Worked in the Travel and Pay On Request (POR) section. I would process and pay incoming and departing Marines from my command. Also, I was the custodian of the POR pay records for key personnel such as the Commanding General, Chief of Staff, and key personnel who were in highly classified billets. Also, for NATO troops assisting with the Vietnam Conflict.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jan 1972 - Mar 1972

Human Relations Instructor School

Security Clearance

Personal Information

american legionArlington Community Advisory CommitteeBoise Cascade Community Advisory Committeedisabled american veteransWheelchair and flag Disabled Veterans1024px smiley.svg HumorKnights of Columbusmansfield area marinesMarine Corps LeagueF3af5240 Military HistoryNational Black Coalition of Federal Aviations Employees6262122778 997339a086 z PoliticsPrivate PilotStar PromotionsVFW