SFC Keith Frain

SFC Keith Frain

Dates of Service: Apr 1992 - Jun 2013
75% Complete
46 Contacts
Influence Score: 10,235
5,570 out of 864,897 Veterans
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  • PVT Apr 92
  • PV2 Aug 92
  • PFC Jun 93
  • SPC Jan 94
  • SGT Aug 03
  • SSG Aug 04
  • SFC Sep 09

Recent Activity  -


Retired US Army; Veteran; Currently a Graduate student: MBA (focus) Health Care Administration. Temporary retirement 04JUN2013, placed on IRR status until 02JUN2015, pending all surgeries and diagnosis, final Retired status 02JUN2015.

Military Experiences

Jun 2010 - Jan 2012
101st FIN
Afghanistan Pakistan Hands Program
Volunteered for a new multi-service program; (the) Afghanistan-Pakistan Hands Program. Attend Language, Culture (Country Specific) training, Counter Terrorism school, & Weekly Briefings at the Pentagon for 6 months, before a year long deployment to your assigned country. Post training, deployment to Afghanistan began with being embedded into the Afghan population, the Afghan Army or 1 of the Afghan Police forces. After initial "entry time period was over," Assigned to train the 1 of the Afghan Army's Corps; to build a standing medical facility, to train the Afghan Army medical staff, supply them with equipment, trauma training, combat medicine preparation, aid and manage the Afghan's outlying FOBS, COPS, and medical "facilities" within my region. Reports, reports, and more reports.
Jul 2007 - Jul 2010
NCOIC Physical Therapy Assistants Program
After my deployment to Iraq (2006-2007) I applied for a position at the AMEDD C&S, teaching within the PTA program that I went through. This was a transitional time as the PTA program was updating all of the course curriculum. The program is run by either the Army, or the Navy, and overseen by the Army's Masters (Officers) PT program. Job description was to teach said courses assigned to you, mentor, & guide 5-7 enlisted service members who are going through the course, research and build all new curriculums assigned to you. Perform all additional duties for your assigned unit company, teach the CPR course to all AMEDD officers, volunteer to train CPR and medical training to the Combat Medics going through their initial MOS training. Attend College courses to achieve a PTA degree.
Mar 2003 - Jul 2007
B Co
Physical Therapy NCO
Having been given another opportunity to progress in my career, I was asked if I wanted to get an identifier attached to my 91B Combat Medic MOS; Physical Therapy Assistant NOTE: MOS+Identifier (then) 91BN9, (now) The identifier N9 has been dropped altogether and is now a stand alone MOS. The PTA course was didactically more difficult than anything I could have imagined (at that time) Stress lever was as high as when I went through SFAS...People were washed out very quickly. Job duties consisted from simple clinical assisting, modalities training, rehabilitation, to the more (in my opinion) demanding in-patient care (working on the patient wards, i.e. Medical Telemetry, Orthopedics, all of the ICU's etc.) Again, in my opinion, this is a huge challenge, both mentally and physically.
Jan 2000 - Jun 2002
1st ID
Combat Medic
1ID 2-2 line Medic for 3rd PLT in Bravo Company; "Doc" responsibilities ranged from maintaining all of the medical responsibilities for Bravo company, and more importantly for my assigned PLT. Training consisted of multiple "Table" coverage, ranges, road-marches, teaching Combat Lifesavers course to the platoon, Hoenfels, and Graffenweir training rotations, and daily sick call duty. We trained as the Infantry trained; a great Unit to belong to for my first AD station. Highest Standards, greatest memories.


(3 years, 2 months)
Jan 2011 - Jan 2012
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
NOTES are stated in my military experience; to build and train the Afghan Army's 201st Medical Corps. Establish functional, and 21st Century medical assets in both the Afghan military and federal services; Police forces. To navigate within each provinces FOB's, COPS, & outposts to establish medical facilities capable and able to support the army
Mar 2006 - Apr 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Worked at Camp Bucca, Iraq; served as the NCOIC of the PT clinic at the US ran Prison (camp). To render care, & rehabilitation to the injured, wounded, or captured regional combatants/prisoners. To run a separate PT program for the US & Coalition forces serving at Camp Bucca; Regular rotations as Convoy Commander running supplies to Basra, Kuwait.
Sep 2004 - Oct 2004
South korea
South Korea
While at TAMC, annual training to South Korea; training commenced within your MOS. Camp Humphrey's, 121st.
Jan 2003 - Jul 2003
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Support BN, worked as the NCOIC of Physical Therapy, additional duties were to care for the walking wounded in regards to rehabilitation.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2012 - 2015
