Recent Activity -
Been doing plumbing and HVAC work since 1984. Started own company in 1988 and had to shut down in 1990. Tried again in 1994, made it 27 years so far on that attempt.
Military Experiences
Apr 1978 - Jul 1979
Back with unit I was supposed to be with. Platoon Sgt told me 1st week I was blacklisted by unit for taking job with HHC 1st Bde, would never amount to shit with unit. Set mind to do best at everything till I left and tried to do that. Top group on testing, qualifications, most things we did till I got out. Remember hanging my boots outside like everyone did last week, SFC Hightower coming back in from field, telling me he was getting a ladder and if my name was in boots, I wasn't going home. Had me sweating till freedom bird left Rein Mein next day.
Dec 1976 - Apr 1978
Brigade Reinlistment Clerk
Found out I knew how to type during in-processing, gave me non field cushy job, made coffee for the MSG's and other NCO's, typed out DD form 214's and re-enlistement paperwork. Wanted to do my real job to decide if I wanted to re-up, made a stink so they sent me to my unit I was supposed to go to. They transferred me after I complained to Bn commander I wanted to be back in his unit.
Jul 1976 - Nov 1976
Basic Training at Disneyland at Fort Knox Kentucky, Drill Sgt was SSG Frank (Mispelling) Bulshazy or something like that. Was platoon guide, got demoted with a few weeks to go for arguing with drill instructor, cost me PFC.