LTC Kevin Kille

LTC Kevin Kille

Dates of Service: no date specified
68% Complete
31 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,954
14,922 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT May 79
  • 1LT Feb 81
  • CPT Apr 83
  • MAJ Aug 91
  • LTC Aug 98
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1979

Recent Activity  -


Military. Active Duty Army Officer: Infantry (1979-1983), Chemical (1983-1990). Army Reserve: Chemical (1990-1994), Civil Affairs (1994-2009). Retired Reserve: Civil Affairs (2009-2014). Retired Sep 2014. Civil Air Patrol: 2015-present. Civil: State-level Emergency Management Planner and Operations Chief. (1994-to retired in 2014).

Military Experiences

Mar 2010 - Mar 2011
354th CA BDE
Civil Affairs Officer
Recalled from retirement to 5th combat deployment. Assigned to Herat, Afghanistan. Worked on staff of Commander of 3rd Alpine Regiment, Italian Army, at PRT Herat. Duty was Commanders Emergency Response Program (CERP) manager. Expended US$14 million for provincial construction projects, to include bridges, roads, flood control dykes, clinics, schools, and refurbishment of the Blue Mosque of Herat.
May 1998 - Mar 2009
352nd CACOM
Civil Affairs Officer
Civil Affairs Officer in office of G-3/J-3 (Operations). Advisor to the Commanding General on area-specific cultural subjects and emergency management situations in nations in the unit’s Area of Operations (Middle East and Southwest Asia). Train and assist foreign governments in the establishment of emergency management organizations. Provincial Reconstruction Deputy Commander (Iraq) and CERP Program Officer (Afghanistan). Peacekeeping deployment to Bosnia, combat deployments to Iraq (twice) and Afghanistan (twice). Taught emergency management to governments of Bosnia, Bahrain, Jordan and Iraq. Persian (Farsi) military linguist. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel 1998. Bronze Star award (3 times). Held US DoD TS Clearance.
Jan 1994 - May 1998
404th CA
Civil Affairs Officer
Civil Affairs Detachment Commander. Specialties include foreign government and military organizations, foreign cultural subjects, foreign internal defense, unconventional warfare, psychological operations, refugee control, emergency and consequence management, foreign language instructing (Serbo-Croatian), and Battalion Chemical Officer. Arabic and Turkish military linguist. Psychological Operations (MISO) qualification. Deployed to Italy for Bosnia peacekeeping intelligence analysis and operations planning. Taught emergency management to government and military officials in Botswana and Republic of Guinea. Held US DoD TS Clearance.
Mar 1983 - Feb 1994
Plans Writer
Wrote Brigade-level OPORDs for blue forces participating in force-on-force activities at NTC.


(4 years, 6 months)
Apr 2010 - Feb 2011
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Recalled out of the Retired Reserve and assigned to USFOR-A, DET-W at Camp Arena, Herat Province, Afghanistan. Further assigned to 3rd Alpine Regiment, Italian Army, at Provincial Reconstruction Team Herat. Commanders Emergency Response Team (CERP) project manager. Facilitated civil construction projects expending US $14 million.
Feb 2008 - Feb 2009
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Was Deputy Team Leader of the Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team at Mosul, Iraq. Developed, facilitated and taught a course of instruction on emergency management for the Ninewa Province Civil Defense Forces.
Oct 2004 - Jul 2005
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Assigned to CJ-9, CJTF-76 Task Force Victory, Bagram, Afghanistan. Advised Staff Chief on areas of cultural and religious significance, as well as preparedness and response to natural emergencies and disasters.
Aug 2003 - Feb 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Assigned to CJ-9 of 352nd CA Cmd (fwd), Baghdad, Iraq. Assisted G-2 in situational awareness pertaining to the attitudes and leanings of the Islamic religious leadership in Baghdad. Accompanied G-2 on visits to mosques in Baghdad to interview Imams, Mullahs and related clergy.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

May 2007 - Jun 2007

Farsi Refresher Course

Oct 2001 - Nov 2001

Farsi / Dari Language Conversion Course

Foreign Language Skills


Turkish (1/1)


Farsi (Iranian) (1+/1+)


Russian (3/3)

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1976 - 1979
