78% Complete
11 Endorsements
209 Contacts
Influence Score: 153,441
13 out of 15,965 E-8s
About Discussions


  • PV2
  • PFC Oct 00
  • SPC Nov 02
  • SGT Sep 04
  • SSG Apr 09
  • SFC Mar 14
  • MSG Jan 23
  • 1SG Oct 23


I have worked in HR at every echelon from BN S1 up thru 3-star G1; completed 2yrs in Plans and Operations in G1 of USANATO; served as the S1 NCOIC in 1 of only 3 corps-level HHBNs in the US Army; served as G1 NCOIC in Personnel Readiness Management, G1 III Corps and Fort Hood. Graduated from PLDC, BNCOC (as the DHG) and SLC. Looking to learn from others and build a network of friends.