Sgt Spencer Sikder

Sgt Spencer Sikder

Dates of Service: no date specified
55% Complete
35 Contacts
Influence Score: 99,814
853 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt
  • PFC
  • LCpl
  • Cpl
  • Sgt

Recent Activity  -


State Law Enforcement Officer, State of Hawaii Supply Clerk, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Supply Clerk, Kaneohe Bay, HI Purchasing Agent, VAMC Coatesville, PA Contract Specialist Trainee, Mountain Home, TN Contract Specialist, North Little Rock, AR Chief, Purchasing and Contract Section, Perry Point, MD Asst. Chief, Supply Service, Coatesville, PA Chief, Logistic Service, Fayetteville, NC

Military Experiences

Oct 1977 - Nov 1980
Aviation Supply Technician
Began MOS 3072 at Cherry Point, NC 1/77 to 10/77


(8 months)
Jul 1979 - Feb 1980
HMM-265, Kaneohe, HI
Attached to S-6 on the USS Tripoli, Shellback 13 Oct 1979, Ports of call: White Beach, Subic Bay, Sydney, Hobart (Tazmania), Port Moresby (New Guinea), Hong Kong, Sinapore, and Entiwetok Atolls

Military Credentials


VA Certified Mentor, VA Project Management
