1SG Company First Sergeant

1SG (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
88% Complete
35 Endorsements
272 Contacts
Influence Score: 402,747
4 out of 15,965 E-8s
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  • PV2 Aug 99
  • PFC Feb 00
  • SPC Oct 00
  • SGT Jan 02
  • SSG Nov 04
  • SFC Aug 10
  • MSG Jul 15
  • 1SG Nov 15


I have Served 13 years in Germany ranging in position from mechanic in HQ Troop 1-4 Cav to Company 1SG for D CO 2-28 Infantry. Currently assigned to CASCOM FT Lee VA I am a member of the Sergeant Morales Club, and the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, recipient of the Order of Samuel Sharpe as well as the order of Saint Maurice (Legionnaire level), German Schutzenschnuer in Gold