CPL Michael Peck

CPL Michael Peck

Dates of Service: Jul 2001 - Feb 2013
100% Complete
105 Contacts
Influence Score: 112,511
778 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Jul 01
  • PV2 Jul 01
  • PFC Jul 03
  • SPC May 04
  • CPL Feb 12

Recent Activity  -


I was born in the great state of Alaska in 1982. I joined the US Army right of High School in 2001. I was in a total of 13 years with 3 deployments under my belt. I loved my time and miss a lot of the camaraderie that was made.


(2 years, 9 months)
May 2007 - May 2008
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Worked for a One Star General
Jan 2004 - Jan 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
PSD for the US Ambassador
Jun 2002 - Dec 2002
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Babysitting Terrorist!

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

May 2011 - Jun 2011

Jul 2001 - Nov 2001

Security Clearance
Top Secret