SPC Thomas Baldwin

SPC Thomas Baldwin

Dates of Service: Feb 1985 - Feb 1988
77% Complete
94 Contacts
Influence Score: 51,651
1,340 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Feb 85
  • PV2 Jul 85
  • PFC Feb 86
  • SPC Feb 87

Recent Activity  -


To provide unparalleled Patient care in the Out of hospital critical care environment with over 27 years of patient care experience in all patient care populations. To continue to learn new techniques and skill sets to improve the level of care I can provide to all patients populations and levels of care. To continue to provide high level education to other health care professionals.

Military Experiences

Jun 1985 - Feb 1988
Senior Operator FAAR Radar
I started in this unit as an E-2 as a 16H10 in the Air Battle Management Operation Center (ABMOC), Tested the FAADC2I Phase 1 & 2 testing now known as the FAADC4I. and in the FAAR Platoon. after 1 year due to manning shortage I was moved to one of the FAAR systems as a Senior operator on the FAAR Radar and OJT training and received rating as 16J10.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Feb 1986 - Feb 1987

Air Defense Artillery Forward Area Alerting Radar Operator (OJT)

Mar 1985 - Jun 1985

Air Defense Artillery Operations and Intelligence Assistant (OSUT)

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Mar 2007

AFRCC Search Management Course

Aug 2006

AFRCC Inland Search and Rescue Planing Course (AFCAT-E5AZG1C371-001 PDS-5U9)


Oct 2008

International Trauma Life Support Affiliate Faculty Instructor

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1991 - 1993

Broward Collage

Job/Skill Training, Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic
