SGT Jennifer Rixe

SGT Jennifer Rixe

Dates of Service: Sep 1998 - Jul 2006
85% Complete
88 Contacts
Influence Score: 57,226
1,237 out of 867,689 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Sep 98
  • PFC May 99
  • SPC Aug 00
  • SGT Oct 02

Recent Activity  -


Joined the Army right out of high school. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life and fell in love with the military for its structure and comradery. I decided to end my career after medical issues were preventing me from being the Soldier that I once was. After the military, I received a degree in Psychology and a degree in Social Work - I have worked in the Social Services field since '10; I love helping people.

Military Experiences

Jul 2005 - Jul 2006
Shop Foreman
National Guard - Shock of my life! When I arrived at my new unit I was told by my BMO that there was actually not a slot for me since they already had a Shop Foreman who was a SSG - who graciously decided to share the responsibility with me after seeing how nice my handwriting was; I was requested to fix up the motor pool scheduling for maintenance and get things organized. I was also rendered the Urinalysis NCOIC since my chain of command learned that I had been certified to do this while on active duty. Additionally, they learned that I had been the Safety NCOIC of my last company on active duty so it became my additional duty in this assignment as well.
Apr 2001 - Jul 2005
Shop Foreman
Supervised the organizational services and repairs for over 140 pieces of rolling stock; managed logistics; daily reports and records for Div HQ and 4 detatchments; maintained tools and equip in excess of $1.5 million; responsible for training, deployability, and readiness of one NCO and 5 Soldiers. Appointed duties:Shop forman, QAQC NCO, AOAP Monitor, TMDE Calibration Coordinator, and Safety NCO. I became Acting Motor Sergeant in 2004 when my Motor SGT was supposed to deploy. I was responsible for maintaining all equipment as well as tools for the motor pool during this time as well as the training of the soldiers who didn't go down range and remained in garrison.
Feb 1999 - Apr 2001
A Co
Light Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
As a light wheeled vehicle mechanic in a mechanized infantry division, I cross trained on track vehicles and 3rd shop work. We spent a lot of time in the field training; when ever the Infantry battalion that we were attached to went to the field - we went to the field. I received my first battalion coin for the successful turn-in of an M113 track vehicle after cross training myself - the track vehicle had been deadlined and sitting in the bay for approx. a year and a half prior to me being assigned to rebuild it and prepare it for turn-in.
Sep 1998 - Feb 1999
Basic Trainee
Learning how to "Be all I could be" - at least that was the moto back then.......well, "Be all that you can be", that is. Basic Training (Black Lions) AIT (Charlie Rock)


(7 months)
Mar 2002 - Sep 2002
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Unit Armorer for a 320+ unit. Streamlined hand receipts and accountability, and assessed the arms room's holdings. Supervised the turn-in of 15000 rounds of unnecessary ammo and 101 excess weapons. Exceeded standards for QA on the entire stock of ammo and weapons. Recognized for providing outstanding customer service to all assigned attached units.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Dec 2004

63B Transition Training

Jul 2004

Unit Level Logistics System Ground Operator/Supervisor

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2013 - 2014

University of Washington

Job/Skill Training, Geriatric Mental Health

2007 - 2009
