CPT Risk Compliance Manager

CPT (Join to see)

Estimated Re-Assignment Date : (Join to see)
83% Complete
4 Endorsements
66 Contacts
Influence Score: 22,016
105 out of 25,507 O-3s
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  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG May 03
  • 2LT Dec 08
  • 1LT Jul 10
  • CPT Jul 13
Commissioning Source:  Direct Commission, Dec 2008


Prior enlisted Staff Sergeant who went to the dark side. Received my direct commission in Dec 2008. I recently completed my first stint as a Company Commander. Looking forward to the Captain Career Course next year. I have been mobilized twice (2003, 2011). I plan on staying in the Army Reserve until my body gives out or my MRD.