Recent Activity -
Retired after 50 years with State and Local Government in Emergency Services. Fire Service - Tailboard to Chief Medic and LEO. Done it all Fire Marshal, Federal Investigator and Instructor for the Fire Academy. Helped train the first Woman AO in the Navy and then the first Women Fire Fighters in South Carolina. Damn proud of that fact! Now serving my LORD as much as I can.
Military Experiences
Feb 1979 - Jan 1980
Avation Ordnance
DOD Police, NAS Key West Security.
Aug 1978 - Feb 1979
Avation Ordnanceman
Assistant K-Pool Supervisor, Magazine maintenance crew,
Sep 1976 - Jun 1978
Avation Ordnanceman
A-7E Armorer, M-61A1 Technician, Weapons Load Crew, Work Crew Supervisor, Night Crew Supervisor
Feb 1974 - Jul 1976
Avaition Ordnanceman
Air Launched Weapons Technician for AIM-7, AIM-9, AIM-54, AGM-45, AGM-62, AGM-78.
Division Damage Control Petty Officer.
(2 years, 11 months)Jul 1976 - Feb 1977
Mediterranean USS Nimitz
Deployed as part of CAG-8 with VA-82 Marauders. Best Attack Squadron in the Navy. During that deployment we won the ComNavAirLant "E" and the Admiral C. Wade McClusky Award for the Finest Attack Squadron in the Navy. This great honor was over shadowed by us loosing our XO just after him signing aboard.
Apr 1975 - Dec 1975

Vietnam War
After the Initial Cease Fire and so called cessation of hostilities, the North supported by Communist Forces moved South once again and started to invade Saigon. The USS Enterprise, Midway, Coral Sea, Hancock, and Okinawa removed the US personnel.
Mar 1974 - Apr 1975
Western Pacific USS Enterprise
Deployment to Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean. First Operational Deployment of the F-14 Tomcat VF-1 & VF-2. Disaster Operations for Typhoon Gervaise on the island nation of Mauritius. Return to Manila Bay for possible Evacuation of Vietnam... Anchors did not even settle in the mud before they were being brought back up. Vietnam Bound.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jul 1978
ComNavAir Leadership School
Apr 1978 - Jun 1978
Strike Intermediate Armament Maintence
M61A1 Technician School
Mar 1977
A-7E Armorer
Jul 1974
Damage Control School
Jun 1974
Aircraft Firefighting
May 1974
Air Launched Weapons Technician
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees