MAJ Civil Affairs Officer

MAJ (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
82% Complete
10 Endorsements
73 Contacts
Influence Score: 146,657
13 out of 15,391 O-4s
About Discussions


  • SN Mar 98
  • PO3 Dec 98
  • PO2 Jun 01
  • PO1 Dec 04
  • 2LT Dec 06
  • 1LT May 08
  • CPT Apr 10
  • MAJ Nov 17
Commissioning Source:  OCS, Dec 2006


I served 9 years in the Navy as a Fire Controlman, ultimately departing via the "Blue to Green" program as a FC1 (SW/AW) to pursue my commission in the Army via OCS.