82% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 632
4,201 out of 215,112 Civilians
About Discussions

Recent Activity  -


Quilter and Seamstress where 10% of my profit goes to USO and Soldeirs' Angels...or just to my buddies overseas.

International Experience

(3 months)
Jun 1996 - Aug 1996
Marshall Islands
Mission team for The Salvation Army. Leading Vacation Bible School for the locals.


Foreign Language Skills


American Sign Language (4+/5)

Security Clearance
None / Expired


Academic Degrees

1997 - 2005

Mount San Antonio College

Associate Degree, Child Development

1997 - 2005

Mount San Antonio College

Job/Skill Training, Child Development

1997 - 2001

Mount San Antonio College

Associate Degree, American Sign Language

Personal Information

Archery logo Archerybicycling crafts hiking oceanWoman using a vintage sewing machine SewingShooting cover Shooting (Sport)Swimming logo Swimming