SFC Troop Fires Trainer

SFC (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
88% Complete
4 Endorsements
57 Contacts
Influence Score: 21,249
207 out of 51,232 E-7s
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC Jul 01
  • SPC Jul 03
  • SGT Aug 05
  • SSG Aug 07
  • SFC Oct 17


Began career with the 1-7 Field Artillery in Schweinfurt Germany from 2001 till 2007 after attending 13F Basic Training at Fort Sill, OK. Served as a RTO while deployed to Kosovo with 1-18IN, returned to be a M249 Gunner, M1097 and M981 Driver with 1-18 IN. Forward Observer with 1-77 AR, COLT Team Chief with 4th CAV BRT in Iraq's Sunni Triangle after FSNCO with 1-18IN in Bagdad Iraq for 14 months. recalled to Fort Sill where he served as a Writer Developer for the 13F Courseware for NCOS and correspondence courses for two years before joining 2-18IN in Baumholder Germany from 2010 till 2012. While with 2-18IN he served as a FSNCO while deployed to Kunduz Afghanistan in a L7 position while serving as the FSNCO, COP Security NCO, and COP MWR NCOIC for 12 months. After Redeployment served as 1SG to help facilitate the closer of the unit. Next he Joined 2CR in Vilseck Germany where he served as an FSNCO and Targeting NCO then deploy to Kandahar Afghanistan from 2013-2014. While in Kandahar served as COIST NCOIC/OIC, and FSNCO. Came to Fort Irwin with the WOLF and COBRA team earning his 5U skill identifier where he served to create CORE products and maintained all BLUFOR and COFOR MRT and ARTY missions and a FSCNO Scout trainer.