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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
Here I go again, into the maelstrom by responding to Capt Walter Miller. He raises some really good/important issues but then starts calling me a moron. So, here goes nothing...

When has the media ever been objective? Once upon a time in America every city and town of any appreciable size had multiple newspapers (before there was electronic media). They couldn't compete on the news. After all, the news is... well, the news. The Who, What, When, and Where can't be manipulated. However, "Why" is a horse of another color.

Most newspapers took opposing political positions on their editorial pages and had at it. The battles were fierce with each defending their chosen candidate in elections. There may have been some level of objectivity on the front page, but it was rare on the editorial page.

In the early days of electronic media, news broadcasts consisted mainly of narrators reading the newspapers. Thus, subjective opinions sneaked in whenever the readers wandered off the front page.

Granted, today's media has allowed subjectivity to creep into the front page. That is a difference. The reason is that colleges have replaced education with indoctrination. Again, returning to the glorious days of yesteryear, reporters learned their craft on the job. Today's "journalists" learn it in colleges where Leftism is the new religion.

Now, when a Leftist politician complains of the treatment they're receiving in the media, you know the whole thing has really gone off the tracks. If Leftist journalists are making light of a Leftist candidate or, even worse, denigrating a Leftist candidate, you know that candidate is in real trouble.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - And I stop with one more really biased report on media bias. It does contain some historical references that are of interest
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Show bias in "All the President's Men" and "Good Night and Good Luck." Those were the examples given. You said they were biased.

I am sorry this seems so hard for you.

CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - Have you ever considered getting help? Seriously? I bet there are a few on RP who might contribute to a Fund Me campaign to help you out. I'm sorry if this suggestion sounds disrespectful but I don't know of any other way of phrasing it. A knee-jerk predilection to being rude and offensive is usually an indicator of some deeper issue. You'll notice that I have never insulted you no matter how deeply we disagree. You, on the other hand, can't seem to post anything without name-calling or an insult as in "I am sorry this seem so hard for you". No, I'm not going to continue this discussion with you any further. Others may comment and I'll respond to them. I would prefer that you focus on yourself. Truly, I wish you the best and regard you with the same esteem with which I would regard any wounded warrior.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
When you can't make the simplest inferences, you'd do better to keep your opinions to yourself.

You said:

"Yes I'm wrong when measured against the standards set forth in biased movies and books."

How do you know that “All The President’s Men” and “Good Night and Good Luck,” are biased?

Wouldn’t your answer have to encompass -their- content? Apparently you were too stupid to figure that out.

You – made the single most idiotic statement that I have ever seen in print. You said that FDR helped extend the Great Depression. What nut job crazy told you that? I know you couldn’t figure it out yourself.

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Col Joseph Lenertz
I agree with your sentence about media objectivity.
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SPC(P) Jay Heenan
The whole idea of the media being objective is a farce, it never has and never will be either. Same is true when we actually think that our elected officials care about what we think. They are in bed with the same people who have paid for their services, really no different than the media outlets.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
"The whole idea of the media being objective is a farce, it never has and never will be either."

There used to be some standards but not so much now. A saying for reporters: "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

If it were as bad as you say, Nixon would have gotten away with Watergate. But just a dozen years later the Reagan Administration did as bad or worse and pretty much skated. They refused to provide court documents -- something that Nixon tried but failed in.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
"Miller is an “ex- New York Times journalist” because she ruined the paper’s reputation for probity and honest, accurate reporting. The New York Times’s own ombudsman issued a scathing critique of Judith Miller’s lies and recommended that the paper not allow her back in its newsroom."


Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
"Part of the Bush case against Saddam was that he was importing yellow-cake uranium from Niger as part of his WMD project. Former US ambassador to Niger, Joseph Wilson, cast doubt upon this in the Times and criticised the Bush administration for “twisting” intelligence to justify war in Iraq. Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. This fact was spitefully divulged publicly by the Vice President’s office thus endangering her life. For her second grand jury appearance, Miller produced a notebook from a previously-undisclosed meeting with Libby on June 23, 2003, several weeks before Wilson’s New York Times article was published. According to Miller’s notes from that earlier meeting, Libby disclosed that Joseph Wilson’s wife was a CIA employee involved in her husband’s trip to Niger. Six days after another meeting with Libby Miller recorded in her notebook, Plame was outed as a CIA agent."

Looks like the Old Grey Lady was too honest to suit the Bushies.
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