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Responses: 22
CPT Jack Durish
I haven't agreed with much of what McCain has had to say for a long time now, and once again he is wrong. The parents of Capt. Humayun Khan have every right to grieve and we honor his son for his sacrifice. Trump also said as much. However, Trump objected to the attack launched on him by the CPT Kahn's father. It was unfair. Trump has not called for the vilification of Muslims as the father stated. He has merely called for appropriate vetting of Muslims being imported from a war theater. (As we have seen in Europe, terrorists are among these refugees and have caused great harm there) Trump went on to observe that the mother was silent. Was that because she didn't share her husband's views? Or because she is grieving silently? Or because she is submitting to her husband as is called for in her faith? That doesn't matter and Trump need not have mentioned that part. But, one thing is clear, the sacrifice of CPT Kahn does not confer on his father any special rights or privileges. If he chooses to step upon the political stage and use his son's glory to add power to his condemnation of Trump, Trump has every right to return the favor. This whole affair is being blown out of proportion. The media is glossing over the nature of Trump's retort to CPT Kahn's father and making it appear that he insulted a Gold Star family when, in fact, he didn't. Why? Because it is another opportunity to vilify Trump. Another opportunity to detract from Hillary's very real assault on a Gold Star mother when she called that mother of a hero of Benghazi a liar. We all saw Hillary lie to that mother and Hillary responds by saying that she didn't and that the mother is lying. Why don't we focus on that?
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - thank you very much for this clarification brother!
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I believe Hillary Cares but Trump did take the bait!
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - you are on it Sir!
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I have to agree with you both, both sets of parents were used for political purposes, foot in mouth took the bait and the liar could not care less.
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TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
I'm not saying that Clinton has any better opinion of the military, but Trump has compared the 'sacrifices' he's made in his privileged upbringing to those who serve/served and their families. That is utterly despicable, yet some continue to give him a pass... why?
SGT Lisa Austin
SGT Lisa Austin
>1 y
And you gave Hillary a pass when she stated she knew how it felt to be in the military....when she landed under "sniper fire" in Bosnia? My brother built a very nice business.... he sacrificed having kids, getting married, missing holidays and important events when he was out of the country or out of town on business..... when I was in the military I missed out on those same things..... That is what Trump was saying. Cops make those same sacrifices. Love that FMO.... Fake Moral Outrage.....
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
SGT Lisa Austin - I can respect what you had to say! In that regard, there are sacrifices made! I can understand your point!
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
TSgt Anthony Elmer - Look at the amount of money Jeb Bush had!
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
>1 y
As long as he gives us the funding to take our families and do what we do, he can claim what ever he wants.
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Cpl Jeff N.
McCain would do well to find some pie for the pie hole. He continues to embarrass himself and has no command of the facts. He is parroting democrat talking points and is apparently to slow to know it.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
And he is up for Election!
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