Posted on Jan 30, 2021
1776 Honors America’s Diversity in a Way 1619 Does Not
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
From what I've recently read, the Department of Education is intending on "forcing" teachers to teach the 1619 curriculum in it's entirety at some point in the not so distant future. My "A" unit is a teacher at an elementary school (4th grade), and says she'll RETIRE or get fired, but WILL NOT broach those lessons with her kids. I couldn't agree more or be prouder of her for her taking a stand.
LTC (Join to see)
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Before you had different points of view and now you will have the Democrat Big Brother of the Leftist sponsored by the 1619 project.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Where did you read that? Anyplace that does not require a tinfoil hat or that has any evidence.
LTC (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - My tinfoil hat was giving an analogy from this movie. Sometimes movies give a metaphor for the future. Interstellar is like this in that the Kids in this movie are being told the moon landings were faked just like the 1619 Project wants you to feel ashamed of being American. The 1619 Project is debunked by many scholars and that was one of the talking points of this article. PO1 Michael Fullmer SFC Bernard Walko SGM Larry Mickel
The writing of the 1776 project involved no historians, and it lies to make part of out population feel good. The purpose of history is to tell what happened and the 1619 project does a far more honest job that
LTC (Join to see)
You are entitled to your opinion. If this were the case, the Spanish Speaking peoples of Latin America would be mad at Pizarro and Cortez for killing the Inca and Aztec kings back in the 1500s. They got over it. Those countries are still way less free than we are and natives are still considered 2nd class citizens in those countries and there is a lot of mixed-race people. My wife does not give a tinker's damn because native Canadian American Indians are still oppressed and black people have a lot more success. She is concerned about missing and murdered Aboriginal people and even President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau do care about this.
It's funny that Trotskyites agree with republicans because Democrats are purposely trying to split the people. We are talking about the democrats of before the Obama era. The new democrats are Hijacking the party that I once voted for in 1996. Their mantra of defunding the police is why they lost over 14 seats in the house. PO1 Michael Fullmer SFC Bernard Walko
SGM Larry Mickel
PO1 Michael Fullmer 1stSgt Nelson Kerr SFC Bernard Walko SGM Larry Mickel SGM Larry Mickel
It's funny that Trotskyites agree with republicans because Democrats are purposely trying to split the people. We are talking about the democrats of before the Obama era. The new democrats are Hijacking the party that I once voted for in 1996. Their mantra of defunding the police is why they lost over 14 seats in the house. PO1 Michael Fullmer SFC Bernard Walko
SGM Larry Mickel
PO1 Michael Fullmer 1stSgt Nelson Kerr SFC Bernard Walko SGM Larry Mickel SGM Larry Mickel
MMIWG Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Ending Violence - Assembly of First...
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Ending Violence - Assembly of First Nations - AFN Policy Area - MMIWG
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
LTC (Join to see) - Pizarro did not continue murdering people well into the 20th Century, t so that analogy fails. The US had racism as official government policy for first two centuries and it is still common practice
LTC (Join to see)
Larry Elder's Uncle Tom Movie - Trailer
Larry Elder's Uncle Tom Movie - Trailer.-Uncle Tom Film coming June 19, 2020. An Oral History Of The American Black Conservative.A collection of intimate int...
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - This was my scope of study in College. The Somozas, The Mexican Revolution from 1909-1923 and many of its PRI Presidents continued to murder. The Ortegas, the Noriegas, the Pinochets, the Perons, the governments that won independence from Spain as well as the Cuban Revolutionaries like Castro and Che Guevara keep killing their minorities or mixed-race citizens. It is not official policy since 1966 in the USA. Not all areas are like the Dukes of Hazard. The 1619 Project is meant to divide not heal. You can have a balance and not give in to Trained Maxists female leaders of BLM and Colin Kapernick the soap box to even brainwash you when you watch basketball and see BLM stamped on home plate at a ball game!. They want Revolution not justice. Larry Elder was right! PO1 Michael Fullmer SFC Bernard Walko SGM Larry Mickel
Well stated LTC. I’m so glad that I retired from the federal government. My cohorts started this insane training and refused to take part of the white shaming that the instructor was pushing. I suspect there will be a mass exodus of conservatives from the federal workforce if this continues...maybe this is the plan
LTC (Join to see)
I have voted Democrat and independent before and I can't believe that the democrats today think similarly to how the weather underground thought in the late 1960s. I have been voting since president Reagan And it is interesting to see that the Democratic Party from the 1960s is nothing like the Democratic Party is from 2020s. We have already seen how Chinese influence has corrupted the Inner workings of government including people like Dianne Feinstein, Barbara boxer and now the Biden family. I don't know if this progressive thinking is to terrorist down from within like a 5th columnist or is The grand master plan to take pak Taiwan because we will be too weak from within? It's funny that those who follow Leon Trotsky and conservatives also disagree with this 1619
SGM Larry Mickel
LTC (Join to see) I was raised Democrat. My parents always discussed how the party was for the working class. When I joined the Army in the mid 70s I really did follow politics until it started affecting my pay and when the sent me. I liked Regan, voted Clinton because the economy was doing well and quite frankly Republicans didn’t have a strong candidate. It all fell apart for me during G.W. Bush. Obama put the nail in the coffin for me to walk away from both parties. Trump brought a ray of light to cleaning up DC but they are dug in like a tick on a bears back side. It’s disheartening to see the direction that our country is taking.
China is our biggest threat; however, there are those in both parties that don’t see it that way. They are selling out our country for a few dollars compared to the long term damage it will do. When I was in the military we had a fairly clear view of the enemy but it not so much now since we do have enemies within. Sorry about the long rant but I do love this country and don’t want to see it ruined.
China is our biggest threat; however, there are those in both parties that don’t see it that way. They are selling out our country for a few dollars compared to the long term damage it will do. When I was in the military we had a fairly clear view of the enemy but it not so much now since we do have enemies within. Sorry about the long rant but I do love this country and don’t want to see it ruined.
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