Posted on Dec 5, 2022
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 5
This case will go before the 9 Justices in Conference on 1/6/2023. They will discuss the validity if the case and if they should hear it or not.
Our Constitution states very clearly how Representatives, Senators and Presidents can be removed from office and it is NOT by order of a court.
Just so some conservatives here understand, our Constitution applies to more than just guns and freedom of speech.
Just so some conservatives here understand, our Constitution applies to more than just guns and freedom of speech.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
That doesn't mean they are indemnified. They can be impeached for committing "high crimes & misdemeanors." If there is evidence they have committed crimes that can be used as a basis for removal. Being censured is another path that can lead to expulsion and/or ruin chances for a re-election. Not supporting or defending the Constitution is a breach of contract, and not a game.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MAJ Montgomery Granger - It is your opinion that they are "not defending the Constitution."
Just more election 2020 fraud nonsense. This case was dismissed by the lower Courts, and I am sure the Supreme Court will do the same.
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