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Responses: 9
Cpl Jeff N.
Edited >1 y ago
It is not hard to find a misinformed veteran about rights and responsibilities as employees, even in the NFL. He has a right to protest and speak and act but not when he is on the field of play. He is an employee. Employees cannot say and do whatever they want when they are "on the clock". Anyone telling you anything else is uninformed or willingly misleading you.

Here us what he said ""I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

From your article "There is police brutality. People of color have been targeted by police. So that’s a large part of it and they’re government officials. They are put in place by the government. So that’s something that this country has to change. There’s things we can do to hold them more accountable. Make those standards higher. You have people that practice law and are lawyers and go to school for eight years, but you can become a cop in six months and don’t have to have the same amount of training as a cosmetologist. That’s insane. Someone that’s holding a curling iron has more education and more training than people that have a gun and are going out on the street to protect us."

It is very easy to see why people don't care for him and think he is an absolute idiot.

He also said this ""This is not something that I am going to run by anybody," he said. "I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. ... If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right."

Well, he has lost football and probably most if not all of his sponsors. He has alienated a large portion of the NFL fan base. He got what he said was fine by him. When you make your bed, don't complain when you have to sleep in it.
Sgt John Steinmeier
Sgt John Steinmeier
>1 y
Your former employer made you salute the flag.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
CPT Mike Cunningham - Employers have all kinds of rules that might not be suitable/palatable to people. The NFL decided to make the anthem a part of their pre-game program, no one else. Everyone, until dipshit Kaepernick the cop hater, came along stood up and was respectful. Many players that want to make a difference start foundations and do things on their days off and during the off season to advance causes they believe in. More power to them.

The NFL make you stand for the anthem (or discipline you if you do not) just like my company can make me show up for meetings, arrive on time, wear the right clothes, use professional language, follow attendance policies, abide by EEOC policies, record retention polices, EPA policies etc. etc. etc.

The players work can leave the league any time the like if the rules are too onerous for them to follow. Just like I can leave my company if the rules become too onerous. Let's see how many of them do that.

Trump has done more at the VA in less than a year than Obama did in 8. He has also cut loose Mattis to defeat ISIS. If you are paying any attention ISIS is collapsing and surrendering in Iraq, some are trying to flee back to Syria. Amazing what he has accomplished with just a few policy and people changes isn't it.
Cpl Jeff N.
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MAJ James Woods
Thanks. The veteran can come out and say he had this discussion with Kaep and the haters will still say it isn't true. They'll fight from their "bubble bunker" to the bitter end before admitting they were misinformed.
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PVT Mark Zehner
The thing is I'm not only an Army Veteran but a Police Veteran as well and they are protesting the 99% of us tjat aren't racial and that hurts! I was almost killed 11 years ago taking a drug dealer/user off the streets. Happy yo say he'll never hurt anyone again!
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
The problem with that is that good cops tend to to arrest nor stop bad cops, that failure makes them bad cops themselves. Witness the reaction from police groups with the thuggery in the Utah hospital.

Question if a cop sees that one of his fellows is breaking the law is he a good cop if he does not stop that crime?
PVT Mark Zehner
PVT Mark Zehner
>1 y
Now your grouping again tje cops that allow it are usually bad but can be afraid themselves of getting reprimanded. I repirted an officer one time and ended up gettig in trouble. If someone does something wrong in the military does tjat make all around bad no. Sometimes it happens so quickly tjere is no stopping it only reporting.
PVT Mark Zehner
PVT Mark Zehner
>1 y
Please excuse the typos nerve damage
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