Responses: 5
Compare and contrast to Biden and Bernie. More government control of you life and liberty a turning away from all that has made us great for a globalist pap that tastes like mush. Free everything for everyone but we all know they are not free. It is an illusion cast by the left made of hallow promises with a trap. The trap is the slavery to government and the political class who want to control everything and rule us as though we are subjects not citizens.
so many people love being lied to...wait, i meant republicans loves being lied to.
1SG Steven Imerman
You either need to sharpen your crayon or stop drinking in the daytime. Does your grammar, punctuation, and capitalization skills reflect your intelligence or your education? Still don't think you're really a Marine, you grody little troll.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
1SG Steven Imerman - haha, i didn't know i was to write you a thesis. is criticizing my writing supposed to be some form of insult towards me because i'm asian? indeed, you trumptard are racist. i'm as much a marine as you are a 1st sgt. which i highly doubt because you have no credibility nor leadership skills.
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