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Responses: 7
Capt Gregory Prickett
"When all Islamists are dead or no longer have the means or will to kill us, I suppose then we could discuss the end of hostilities"

As long as we get rid of the Christian Dominionists at the same time... You know, the ones that consider this a "holy crusade" instead of to protect our nation and people, which include many Muslims and non-Christians.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
Yes, I wrote a piece a while back on calling in a Fifth Crusade, but didn't mention it this time. I still like the idea.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - actually sheepdogs do not do both. A guardian sheepdog lives with the flock, protects it, and would lay down his life for the flock. A herding sheepdog moves the flock where the shepherd wants the flock to be. The flock trusts the guardian and fears the herder. Most people who call themselves sheepdogs are herders, not guardians.

A Dominionist is as evil as an Islamist, it's just the Christian version. A Dominionist wants the government of the United States to be guided by the Old Testament laws of the Bible, just as an Islamist wants to impose the law of the Qur'an. Both have no problem with executing homosexuals, apostates, and atheists, because that's what Yahweh/Allah want. Both want to impose their version of sharia law on the populace. Both call for holy war, jihad on the part of the Islamist, a crusade on the part of a Dominionist.

MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
I did not call myself a sheepdog. Australian sheepdogs definitely do both. I have been herded and protected by same. Capt, in all sincerity, there are no Dominionists flying loaded airplanes into our buildings. There are no Dominionist active shooters. There are no Dominionists praying five times per day in the middle of airports and streets, nor invading through migration into Christian, Jewish and otherwise peace-loving communities in order to install Theocracy. Read much? Get out much, Sir? PS - Thanks for the definition.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - There actually have been Dominionists who have committed acts of terror. They have killed, bombed, burned down, and kidnapped their opponents over the last 40 years or so. While they don't pray a set times during the day, they do pray, repeatedly and often.
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MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Montgomery Granger I appreciate the unique insight into the conditions at Gitmo. I am curious as to why things don't always seem as rosy in the other pictures and stories.

Another point I'd consider relooking is the idea that we have to kill all "Islamists." Islamists aren't really the problem. The problem is Islamic extremists - the same way that Christian extremists are a problem - and not just Christians.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
I disagree. The Muslim faith is based on theocracy, that their religion is also their government. That is diametrically opposed to democracy, freedom and liberty. Constitutionally, our government may NOT sponsor nor dictate a religion. In all Islamic republics the religious leaders are also the highest government authority.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - Even if we grant that some Muslims feel that way, it doesn't make every Muslim an enemy of democracy, freedom and liberty. Most Christians would say that their duty to their God outweighs theirs duty to their country as well.

And if we're talking about governmental systems, as oppose to Muslim individuals, then are we advocating that the United States get into the business of overthrowing all Islamic countries? No, of course not.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - Monty has demonstrated his antipathy for Muslims over and over, and has on at least one occasion stated that this was a "holy crusade" against the Muslims.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the interesting article share sir, have a great afternoon sir
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
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