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Responses: 3
LTC Trent Klug
Well, color me surprised. Not really. A Brown University graduate who doesn't like Gitmo. Writing about Camp Delta/X-ray and restorative justice in the same piece is just a little too social warrior princess for me. My Soldiers served honorably there in 2004-05. Not one of them ever mentioned anything about torture, nor did the other Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airman that I worked with.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
5 y
Hooah! Sir!
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SFC George Smith
Interesting Thanks For The info...
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
5 y
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Capt Gregory Prickett
It's 18 years after the attack, and yet these detainees have not yet been tried. It's a travesty of justice based on that alone, and regardless of any allegations of torture.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - They were men of military age picked up wandering around a battlefield and most are not originally from the local areas they were picked up in, let alone the countries they were picked up in. Figure the odds that these men were just out vacationing in a foreign country, walking around the desert in the middle of a war zone and just so happened to be in the same vicinity where our troops were getting shot at... The Law of Common Sense tells you they had no business being there and the only plausible explanation is that they were there to kill American soldiers.

You know what's more deterrent than dying a martyr's death and getting to be with 72 virgins? Wasting away for the rest of your life rotting in a jail cell because you were a suspected terrorist attacking our troops. They were not part of any recognized government's military, but rather they were there representing a radical Islamic ideology dedicated to the destruction of the West (both civilian and military). The Geneva Convention was written to cover the military forces of recognized foreign governments; it does not apply to terrorists. And since GTMO is technically not on American soil and it is not a diplomatic outpost, those terrorist suspects held there are in limbo.

IF it were up to me, I'd let the Prisoners rot at GTMO. They had no business being where they were. Let their incarceration be a message to all future terrorist wannabes that they will not get their martyrs death on the battlefield and that they will rot for the rest of their miserable lives if they attack American forces. Frankly, they have it too good over there.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
Capt Jeff S. - OK, if the only plausible explanation is that they were there to kill American soldiers, then prove it in a court, beyond a reasonable doubt, and then you can hold them for the rest of their lives. Or, in the case of the ones this article was specifically talking about, prove that they were behind or provided support for the 9/11 attacks. Do either, and I will be there with you calling for their continued imprisonment.

Second, the argument that since they are at Gitmo, the Constitution doesn't apply was heard and rejected by SCOTUS. Not just once, but repeatedly SCOTUS has held that the detainees do have rights.

So if it is such "common sense" that they are guilty, you should have no problem proving it.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I'd wager to bet that most of them can not adequately explain what they were doing in a foreign country walking around a battlefield where our troops were getting shot at. They espouse a religion that encourages them to lie if it is to save their life or that of their family and friends. How do you know when they're telling you the truth? You don't. And given the threat they pose, I believe it is prudent to err on the side of caution. Again, common sense ought to tell you to stay away from a battlefield and if you aren't from the local area, you have no business being there. There is only one other reason Muslim men of military age would be there... And whether or not they killed any of our troops or picked up a weapon, they went there with the intent to fight us and we can't let that go.

If you understand anything about Islam, they despise weakness. And releasing them only encourages them to bring the fight back to us. Many of those Obama released are back in the fight. His release of the GTMO prisoners without informing Congress sufficiently in advance is treason in my book.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
Capt Jeff S. - You do realize that they don't have to explain anything, that under the Fifth Amendment they don't have to testify, don't you? The prosecution bears the burden of proof. Second, your comments on Islam are BS. We've got Muslim soldiers fighting and dying on our side. One of my good friends and former co-worker at the police dept. is Muslim--he's also an Army vet, artillery, with a Top Secret clearance, who had been assigned to an 8-inch battalion with a tactical nuke mission. He's protected my back on numerous occasions. Next, our Constitution does not allow us to discriminate on the basis of religion, as you seem to espouse.

If you want to hold those individuals, then prove up the case against them.
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