Posted on Dec 25, 2017
5 Ways to Save Money While on Base in High-Cost-of-Living California
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
Not much help in this article because the simple truth is that there isn't much you can do to save money in California. When I moved here I had unlimited liability auto insurance in Denver for about $150 per year. Here I could only get the typical $100/$300M limits for $750/year (Remember, this was more than 40 years ago. I'd kill for $750 per year these days) I was furious but quickly learned that some companies such as State Farm wouldn't even insure me until I had lived here at least 2 years. (I suspect they didn't expect me to survive that long) After driving here for a couple of months I called the insurance agent and apologized for yelling at him. It's a wonder that any insurance company would take the risk of covering California drivers. As for housing (you could live in a tent if you could find someplace to pitch it). As for food, I recommend fasting. As for fun, forget the theme parks. Disneyland really is the Magical Kingdom. They can fleece you with all the skill of a sorcerer.
SSgt Harvey "Skip" Porter
CPT Jack Durish you hit the point dead on. We pay to live here in the Golden State for sure. When it comes to homes I don't know how the younger generation coming up will be able to afford a home. I live in a home I purchased 16 years in a new development I couldn't afford it if I was in the market to buy it now. I can't believe how the cost of these homes can continue to go up like there is no end. Supply and demand will eventually burst open again.
Thanks for sharing you perspective on the cost of living in the Golden State.
Thanks for sharing you perspective on the cost of living in the Golden State.
I have no idea how my parents managed to raise us in the Silicon Valley. I do remember frequent trips to the Moffet Field commissary though.
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