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Responses: 2
MSgt Steve Sweeney
What if we are being manipulated by media outlets like Fox?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
1 y
Can't answer my question, huh?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Answer your speculative, open-ended hypothetical? Sure I can. I am not sure how I would feel about "government agencies wielding the real power". Who do you propose should be wielding it?

Can you answer my questions?
- What do you mean by "real power"?
- How do you imagine they are doing this? How are "government agencies" manipulating people? Is it a matter of policy?
- What if the people telling you that you are being manipulated are the ones manipulating you?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - I love to encourage you when you ask questions. Now, go find answers
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Do you figure no one else can see what an intellectual coward you are?
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LTC Trent Klug
Oh I firmly believe there is a cabal of government agencies wielding the powers and manipulating everyone. It was exposed in the last administration when agencies refused to follow presidential orders. The Pentagon, the CIA, the DOJ, and much of the Federal Court system are the major players in this.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
LTC Trent Klug - You poor oppressed dear. Have you always been a victim, or is that something you picked up recently? Your media arms have sold you the boogie men and you have bought it without question. I suppose all those Russians at the Trump inauguration, Alexey Repik, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Boris Titov, et. al. were just a big coincidence.

Tell me, who was it that ignored congressional subpoenas and sold a lie that an election was stolen resulting on an attack on the U.S. Capitol? Wo told people to drink bleach and take horse dewormer? Of course this was after claiming that COVID was a hoax, that it was completely under control, not to test because the numbers would look bad, and that it would magically disappear... and of course, that Mexico would pay for a giant wall. But sure, a laptop that magically appeared in a Trump supporters hands with no chain of custody after over a year that (allegedly) belongs to a private citizen not elected to office is what you want to pin your hopes on.... of course it is. Maybe you are just so used to feeding yourself on bullshit, you don't know the difference any longer.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney Ah, yes. Typical of you and your buddies here. You've spent the last six years having a guy live rent free in your head and yet I am the one supposedly oppressed. Don't think it goes unnoticed that when you presented with specific examples of career bureaucrats who went outside the lines of their job, you have no problem with them because they were just doing progressive bidding.

I'm so old I remember when the self-proclaimed wingman for a President ignored Congressional subpoenas. I remember that your side didn't bat an eye when Eric Holder did that. An American federal law enforcement agent was killed by a Mexican cartel thug using a straw purchase gun provided by the ATF under the DOJ' Fast and Furious operation and your side said 'thems the breaks'.

As. for the 'horse dewormer'. Ivermectin is a fantastic medicine for humans against malaria. Do you know how many deaths there have been in Africa due to covid? 258,000 out of 12 million cases. The population of that continent? 1.4 billion. There just may be a correlation between Africans taking the drug and the extremely low death rate. But we'll never know because the US government supports a vaccine that doesn't prevent acquiring the disease, or prevent the spread of the disease.

Lastly, it's obvious you get your news from the Tina Fey "I can see Russia from my house" wing of the news. You can wish Tru.p said those things, but video and audio evidence show otherwise.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney By the way, the laptop didn't end up in a Trump supporters hands. So you're wrong there. A copy of the contents did get to a supporter and the FBI took possession of the laptop in 2019 directly from the repair shop owner. But keep prevaricating. It looks good on you.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
LTC Trent Klug - Oh a "copy"... sure. No funny business there. Also, you presented no examples, just what they have been feeding you and your fever dreams.

Difference between you and me is that I thought it was wrong for Holder to refuse a subpoena and said so then and say so now. My principles don't change with the political tides. But it wasn't just Trump hiding behind "executive privilege", a whole raft of his cronies did as well. Then they went after preemptive presidential pardons while your orange messiah was still in the white house. No abuse of power there...

Ivermectin is effective against malaria. Malaria isn't COVID is it. Do you want to know why it is effective against malaria? I can break it down for you if you like.

And yes, the current COVID vaccine does indeed prevent spread unlike many other vaccines. Is it 100% effective against preventing spread? No, it is not. There isn;t a vaccine in the world that is 100% effective, and most simply prevent infection. One of the best qualities of the COVID vaccine is that it reduces viral replication in the upper respiratory system thereby reducing spread. The COVID vaccine is highly effective, but since you feed yourself on bullshit, you wouldn't know that.

Here is a link with a video showing Trump saying the virus would magically disappear. If you want video evidence of all the other things I claimed he said, I can happily provide.

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