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Responses: 1
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
@Maj Montgomery Granger
..."On Tuesday, the 20th anniversary of the first detainees' arrival at Guantanamo, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., went to the Senate floor to argue again for closing the facility, which he called a "legal black hole" for those sent there.

"Every day Guantanamo remains open is a victory for our nation's enemies," who have used the existence of Guantanamo as a recruiting tool, Durbin said. "It is a symbol of our failure to hold terrorists accountable and our failure to honor the sacrifices of our service members. These failures should not be passed on to another generation; they should end with the Biden administration."

At a Pentagon briefing Monday, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said, "The administration remains dedicated to closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. There's nothing -- nothing's changed about that. We are in a review right now about the way forward there, so I won't get ahead of that."

He said that the 39 inmates remaining at Guantanamo "are the hardest cases to deal with and to adjudicate. And so, we're working our way through that right now."
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
8 mo
Gitmo is anything but a "legal black hole," Charlie. All anyone need do is revert to the original language in the Geneva Conventions and Law of War, and prosecute suspected war criminals IAW the UCMJ. The confusion occurred with Obama's 2009 Military Commissions Act, which gave suspected war criminals virtually the same rights you or I would enjoy in a federal court of law. In 1942, 6 of 8 German saboteurs were executed, only just under 8 weeks after dry-foot capture on US soil, and having been denied habeas corpus and tried by military commission (tribunal). Only, these men didn't hurt a fly nor did they destroy or damage any property, they merely had the means and intent to do so, in violation to the Geneva Conventions and Law of War. Convicted as war criminals, they were electrocuted, again in under 8 weeks after capture. What's different now? People like you and Dick Durbin have no notion of reality, and so spew nonsense.

There is not now, nor was there ever any evidence that the US military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was ever used as a "recruiting tool" for terrorists. It was used as a vacation spot in the Caribbean. 745+ of just under 800 have been RELEASED. Many have gone back to the Global War on Terror. That's not a recruiting tool, it's a joke.

No administration can close Gitmo without the approval of Congress. Kirby, Biden, et al, know this. Why don't you? Besides, why is the goal to close the finest such facility on earth. There is no moral comparison between Gitmo and how our enemies treat their captives. Ask them, they'll tell you.

Again, that cases are "hard to adjudicate" because of the 2009 MCA. They are also hard to adjudicate because Obama unilaterally added waterboarding and other EIT to a list of banned techniques, even calling waterboarding torture - which at the time it was used on a handful of detainees in order to obtain valuable information that saved many lives, was legal and approved, and did not meet the internationally accepted definition of torture. Now the question is whether or not confessions made by the detainees accused of war crimes can be used against them, all because Obama, the Islamist apologist, changed the rules.
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