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Responses: 1
CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/0tlAJ5yR6jE?si=9eBqF1nQFXwFh2lx

V2 : https://youtu.be/PKJU0K_ebfU?si=IIbODz665jPHBZPC

V3 : https://youtu.be/PKJU0K_ebfU?si=IIbODz665jPHBZPC

V4 : https://youtu.be/TR8cgb1qoW8?si=IEROb2M4YrNJz9Yo

1.) Right-wing propaganda organization PragerU begins targetting children

January 11, 2022

 Right-wing YouTube channel PragerU specializes in whitewashing historical figures and spreading disinformation to attempt to sway young people to the right. And now it is trying to expand its audience to a new target demographic: kids.

SOURCE : https://warhawknews.com/4020/opinion/right-wing-propaganda-organization-prageru-begins-targetting-children/

2.) PragerU founder admits conservative material is ‘indoctrination’ — it’s now allowed in FL schools

Broward school district says it will not incorporate the vendor’s content into the curriculum

Published: August 1, 2023 at 11:14 AM
Tags: Miami, Florida, Education, Miami-Dade County, Broward County

On its website and in its 2023 Biannual Report, PragerU, founded by conservative talk radio host Dennis Prager, showcases content framed through the lens of conservative pundits, conservative activists, and Republican National Committee members.

SOURCE : In 2022, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced in a news release that he signed “House Bill (HB) 7, to give businesses, employees, children and families tools to stand up against discrimination and woke indoctrination.”

SOURCE : https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/08/01/prageru-founder-admits-conservative-material-is-indoctrination-its-now-allowed-in-fl-schools/
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
2 mo
All schools in all places in all times have been indoctrination centers. For all its faults, I take pride in America's history, especially the accomplishments of those who corrected its faults. And I applaud Prager for telling those stories. Sadly, there many who choose to destroy America by perverting that history and I will fight them to preserve the chance of continuing that legacy just as Prager does
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
PragerU playbook CPT Jack Durish is rooted in American Revisionist History, on that point you are quite right.

The Lost Cause: Definition and Origins

October 30, 2020  •  Updated March 25, 2021

“As the Civil War drew to a close in 1865, defeated Southerners looked around at the death and destruction that the war had inflicted on their homes, businesses, towns, and families. “The South was not only…conquered, it was utterly destroyed…More than half [of] the farm machinery was ruined, and…Southern wealth decreased by 60 percent,” states historian James M. McPherson. The war initiated over the issue of the preservation of slavery, as pronounced in the seceding states’ articles of secession and in the Confederacy’s constitution, was the cause of this devastation. “The prohibition of slavery in the Territories is the cardinal principle of this organization.,” read one such justification of secession and war in 1861. With the abolition of slavery becoming the law of the land in 1865, it became harder and harder for many Southerners to justify the purpose of the war and the deaths of nearly 300,000 of their sons, brothers, fathers, and husbands.

Thus, many Southerners set to work to rewrite the narrative of the war. Former Confederate general and one-time commander of the United Confederate Veterans claimed, “If we cannot justify the South in the act of Secession, we will go down in History [sic] solely as a brave, impulsive but rash people who attempted in an illegal manner to overthrow the Union for our Country.” Thus, from the ashes of war, the myth of the “Lost Cause” was born.”



“Some in the North, especially Union veterans and African Americans, were angered by glorifying the Confederate cause and slavery. However, general public opinion had shifted towards reconciliation with the defeated South, especially after they became disillusioned with Reconstruction. It was telling when two ex-Confederates were pallbearers at Ulysses S. Grant’s funeral. Thus, many Northerners accepted the Lost Cause narrative as a way to mend the wounds of the war and to move the country forward into the twentieth century.”

*How’s the HELL is it working out now after ALL : The Coddling ??!!??

The Compromise of those actual enslaved the continued Legal Slavery, Sharecropping, Jim Crow Laws, Block Busting, Redline Districts, Ghettoes, Illegal Medical Experiments, Drugs Flooded Purposely by The U.S. Government, Underfunding Education, Mass Incarnation, Highways Built Through Neighborhoods, Slave Ordinance Laws, Destruction of Entire Communities of Self-Sufficient African Americans, The KKK, The Foundation of Policing via Slave Catchers/Slave patrols called patrollers, patterrollers, pattyrollers or paddy roller ✔️

White Racist Domestic On-Going Terrorism ✔️

Gaslighting ✔️

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
2 mo
CPL LaForest Gray - Easily distracted, are we? Not me. I'm talking about a specific presentation on PragerU. It is a studied examination of the manner in which Europe is destroying itself. I introduced the concept that the US is following the same path. Nothing you have posted has any bearing on this. Why don't you start your own discussion? You seem to have a point of view and are more than willing to advocate for it. Instead, you waste time burying your opinions under a discussion thread having no relation to this one. Don't worry. I won't rain on your parade. Your arguments hold no interest for me.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
No distractions CPT Jack Durish I ACTUALLY review the information that yourself and other post, prior to me responding with FACTS.

SCREEN shots from the PragerU video you’ve provided. 1st (3) pics.

These the following pics are from the intelligence community, I prefer FACTS over white noise and white propaganda.

Here’s the thing, I have INTEGRITY. I post FACTS.

PragerU made sure to point out that multi-culturalism failed because the most popular name in the United Kingdom countries became, “ 1.Muhammed”. It’s from the video you posted. PragurU is a White Nationalist Racist propaganda machine. That’s FACT which you replied to on previous posts when I’ve posted those FACTS about PragerU.

1.) Fake News and
Alternative Facts: A Guide to News Literacy

A guide to developing critical thinking skills for news literacy

Welcome to Fake News and Alternative Facts: A Guide to News Literacy! This guide is designed to help you to gain news literacy by recognizing fake news, disinformation and misinformation.

* What is "Fake News?"

Fake News may take many different forms, but the essential element is always that it is partially or completely false. It may be urban legend, rumor, badly sourced writing, deliberate misinformation, or intended as humor or parody.

As an information consumer, it is your responsibility to evaluate news sources for credibility, authority, and purpose, both for your own information needs and to prevent you from accidently sharing fake news to others. 

* What Are Alternative Facts?

The expression "Alternative facts" garnered widespread media attention on January 22, 2017 when used by Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to President Trump, while on NBC's Meet the Press. This sparked a national conversation on whether facts are variable and subject to interpretation.
 Oxford English Dictionary defines fact as:
"That which is known (or firmly believed) to be real or true; what has actually happened or is the case; truth attested by direct observation or authentic testimony; reality."

* Misinformation vs. Disinformation

From Dictionary.com:
"Disinformation refers to false information that’s spread with the specific intent of misleading or deceiving people. Misinformation more generally refers to false information, regardless of whether or not it’s intended to mislead or deceive people.
Due to their similarity, the terms are sometimes used in overlapping ways.

All disinformation is misinformation, but not all misinformation is disinformation. Disinformation is the more specific of the two because it always implies that the false information is being provided or spread on purpose.
Disinformation is especially used in the context of large-scale deception, such as a disinformation campaign by a government that targets the population of another country. Misinformation can be spread with the intent to trick people or just because someone incorrectly thinks it’s true."

SOURCE : https://libguides.adelphi.edu/fake_news

2.) Fake news: Why do we believe it?

SOURCE : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9548403/

3.) Studies in Intelligence
Vol. 66, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2022)

Why Democracies Develop and Decline

SOURCE 1 : https://www.cia.gov/resources/csi/static/Review-Why-Democracies-Develop-and-Decline-Dec-22.pdf

SOURCE 2 : https://www.cia.gov/resources/csi/static/cfcce48055b57f3d8a5bb66ca00c2fc7/UNCLASSIFIED-Extracts-Vol66-no4-December-2022-1.pdf

SOURCE 3 : https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47890

* SOURCE : https://www.cia.gov/static/UNCLASSIFIED-Extracts-Vol66-no4-December-2022-1.pdf
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