Posted on Feb 19, 2017
A Back-Channel Plan for Ukraine and Russia, Courtesy of Trump Associates
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
There's is no transparency when going back channels. God knows what are in those plans and for whose gain or detriment.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
There is no secrecy or testing the waters. Transparency is not how other countries deal. We do not want USA to always be at a disadvantage!
interesting... too bad folks are Not willing relax and let Tramper make it or break it on His own, with out having total Spaz attacks...
Tell me this is not true? They were back channels being used in the Cuban Missile Crisis between a friend of Khrushchev and Robert Kennedy to try to get to some deal over the Jupiter missiles in Turkey. Back channels do work sometimes and I'm proof of it because have there been nuclear war on October 27th 1962 I would not be alive today and most of you here either.
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