An ancient Jewish prayer - Mi'mekomcha by Rabbi Carlebach
From your place - a song by "The Singing Rabbi", Shlomo Carlebach.
Performed live in Brotfabrik Theater, Bonn, Germany
video by Ofer Vazana - malkeinu tofia
From your place, our King, may you appear
V’timloch aleinu, ki m’chakim anachnu lach.
And reign over us, for we are waiting for You.
Matai timloch b’tzion, b’karov, b’yameinu
When will you reign in Zion? Soon, in our days,
L’olam va’ed tishkon.
Forever may you dwell there.
Titkadal v’titkadash b’toch y’rushalayim ircha,
May You be exalted and sanctified within your city Jerusalem
L’dor vador ul’netzach n’tzachim.
Generation after generation, and for all eternity.
V’eineinu tirenah malchutecha,
May Your eyes see Your kingdom.
Kadavar ha’amur b’shirei uzecha.
As this matter is expressed in the songs of Your might.