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Responses: 19
LCpl Cody Collins
This is what happens, when you have a generation of young people who were raised by parents that went to the night club all tatted up. And never set foot in a church where the word of God is preached, so the children can have a moral foundation instilled in them. Because most of today's society stubbs it's nose at Christianity and Jesus Christ. This is the results, when these kids grow up to be adults. You can't have a spiritual Pluralism and expect things to just somehow work out. We've sown the wind and reaped the whirlwind.
MSgt Owner
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
Because in the 1950s the military never brought local whores out to the troops? The female military members never suffered harassment from such god fearing men? Are you really that ignorant? http://military.wikia.com/wiki/Prostitutes_in_South_Korea_for_the_U.S._military
SPC James Anderson
SPC James Anderson
8 y
LCpl Cody Collins - " I was born in 1962 but that does not mean and I don't understand what's going on in our society you keep making references to World War II and whorehouses how do you know that's what really went on in World War II you're only going by what somebody told you"

Must be a reading malfunction. Try picking up a book other then the bible someday. Might be surprised when you read about real life. I have hundreds of books on all facets of human endeavor. If you know dick about WW2 you would not be surprised to find that not only were they a part of the US forces but also the British, Russians, Japanese and Germans.

"Personally I don't consider the women serving in the Marine Corps as whores, you keep making that comparison to the WM'S of the Marine Corps you're demonstrating exactly what I'm talking about."

And with that comment im done with you. Unless your just trolling for the fun of it, which I doubt your smart enough for, that comment pretty much puts you in "dumber then a box of hammers" club. You know damn well that's not the comparison I was making. With all your so called religious values beliefs you just intentionally lied and tried to misrepresented my statements.
SFC Small Group Leader
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
Oh god.. god and religio have nothing to do with a good upbringing. Some of the worst people I know, who are at Leavenworth, were all Christian.

This has to do with young men not respecting women, period. This is a breach of trust. If you're a guy and you share these picture; I hope, you end up inside of a jail cell for it.
LCpl Cody Collins
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SSG Jessica Bautista
This has never been a myth. Women in the military have always been aware of this sort of boorish behavior. In the end, it boils down to a breach of trust. If a woman sends a risque photo, it is to a trusted individual. What happens more often than not is that either the other party was not serious about the relationship, or the relationship turned sour. It was almost a non-news item while I was deployed. More reasonable women just became relationship hermits until redeployment.

One can argue that women could just not do certain things, but the same false argument is also applied to rape when the issue is clearly with the rapist.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Cpl Jeff N. - I don't want to get into a car wreck either (which has a much higher probability), yet everyone still has cars. Don't blame me for your ignorance in social issues.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - You cannot dispute the logic of my position so now you say I am ignorant on social issues. It is you that seemingly have no standards of behavior or ability to think critically about social issues.

I have said there is accountability on both the women and the men you seem to think only the men are at fault. That is ignorance of the highest order. Set aside any pictures that were clandestinely taken, these women caused their own problems. I know in your cupcake world it is not fashionable to hold people accountable (unless they are men).

I am not sure what your car wreck statement is related to. I am sure in your mind it was clever.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Cpl Jeff N. - Let me make this clear then.

When women (or men, if that's their thing) send nude photos to their partners, it is an act of trust in a healthy relationship.

If that said partner (man or woman, though more commonly a man in regards to military) shares said photo in malice, that does not carry equal blame as taking the photo.

One action is an expression of an intimate relationship. The other is malicious, illegal, and a breach of trust. To suggest that these women brought it on themselves is akin to blaming rape on drinking, what they were wearing, or a previous relationship. Sure, a woman can avoid rape by wearing a burka or locking themselves in a nunnery, but how are the actions of others her fault?

You are essentially dismissing the men's actions by saying, "Well, she shouldn't have taken the photos." The photos are not the point. The point is, someone took these photos, given in confidence to an intimate partner, and distributed it against the subject's will. That is illegal. Secondary point, it is the subject, not the partner, that gets all punishment for it.

They were both willing parties in a consensual act until one committed an act without consent. That is the point here, and if you can't wrap your mind around that, I can't help you.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - You live in some sort of romance novel world. What you describe should never be confused with reality.

1. Sending nude photos to anyone (even your spouse) could end up places you did not expect them be. If you want to ensure your privacy and image them don't take them, period. That is reality. No picture taken, nothing to worry about.

2. If you are so blind that you do not understand that relationships break up every day and there are almost always hurt feelings and things done others might not normally do then again, you are living in a fantasy world.

3. You are creating a false equivalence on the rape comparison. The women consensually or on their own initiative took the pictures and distributed them (unless they were surreptitiously taken which is an actual crime). No one forced anything on them as would be the case in a rape which is clearly a crime and the woman is not at fault for the way she may have dressed etc. Not sure how rape got pulled into this.

4. I have not dismissed the men's actions. That is your interpretation perhaps. I have said that for dissemination and commenting on them they could/should be held to account. If they are on active duty there is a chance that will happen but I am not sure it is a crime. We can let a charge come up and see. A charge in a civilian court on this would be tossed out unless the pics were clandestinely taken.

5. The photos are a major part of the point. If there are no pictures sent out (by the woman) then there is nothing to see, nothing to comment etc. It doesn't matter that she trusted the man and they had a special relationship and she felt safe doing it etc. The pictures were distributed against her will because she first took them and then distributed them herself. If she did so on the world wide web she is very stupid. If she sent them in confidence to a cad who then reposted them she just learned a lesson the hard way.

The hard lesson here is that if you want to ensure your privacy and want to keep intimate things that way you need to ensure it. Taking pics and sending them around is a bad idea with potentially real consequences as some are learning now. I am not saying they deserved it or that the men that betrayed them are not cads but I live in Realville. You need to protect yourself and your privacy if it is valuable to you.

I have a daughter that is now 21. I would never want her to go through this but I hope my exhortations to her about pictures and phones rooted. I talked about it regularly to her and my sons.
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Sgt Team Leader
I would venture to say this is a generational thing (specifically my generation). There seems to be an oversexualization with just about everything with my generation and sharing explicit photos with each other seems to be the norm.
Sgt Team Leader
Sgt (Join to see)
8 y
Hope I explained that correctly.
SFC Don Ward
SFC Don Ward
8 y
Got you to mean that this techological generation has no sense of accountability for taking and posting "selfies" and other pictures of a "personal" nature and then getting bent out of shape when they end up shared outside of their sphere of influence.
MSgt Owner
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
I am 54 years old. When I was in Basic training we had a female flight that was in the same building as ours. There was a door between their dorm room and ours. The door was locked and could not be opened, thank goodness. That did not stop some individuals from passing nude polaroid's back forth under the door. So, generational? Naw, I do not think so. That was 1980. Where there is opportunity, there are those who are willing to exploit it. It has been that way since the beginning of time.
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