Posted on Oct 29, 2019
A Real Whistleblower Complaint Could Help Gen. Flynn And Blow The Doors Off Deep State Corruption...
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 9
I don't believe he was guilty either and was made the scapegoat. They ruined this man's reputation and I believe he should sue the pants off everyone who came after him.
He should have never made a plea deal. Should have fought it from the beginning. But one can only hope it all works out for him. Kinda reminds me of Oliver North.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
The problem is that the goverment holds the cards. They have unlimited resources and can tie you up in court until you are bankrupt. And then there was the violation of rights by putting someone who was not even tried yet in solitary confinement for months.
MCPO Roger Collins
If the Feds squeeze you and threaten going after your family, most would do as he did. Destroyed financially and they will do the same to those near and dear to you?
Good. General Flynn had his life destroyed by these people. I hope he sues the pants off of them!
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