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Responses: 3
SGT William Howell
Edited 9 y ago
Not one stitch of data, not one referenced scientific economic study. You are posting facts that are not vetted or proven. Therefor if it is not a fact, it is a opinion.

As an opinion piece I give it a fail. Oh it has a bunch of blah blah, that almost makes it sounds true, but if you take out BS that has no collating data, there is nothing left to form an opinion about. No meat on the bone. So, it is not only a awful informative piece, it is a wretched opinion piece too. The Business Insider gets a fail because the published a BS, non vetted, piece of trash that has left their reader with no proven truths. Which is a total disservice to people with a brain.

PFC Al Sethre You are a NoGo at this station because you wasted everybody's time with an article that you can't wipe your butt with because it is on the internet. I am not trying to berate you, but I want your young mind to grow and form opinions based on stuff that is not total shit. Facts are what you need. With facts you can get information and make your own opinions. Not just barf up what some ass hat with a keyboard can write.

I don't care about what minimum wage is. I DO care about not reading shit reporting, because somebody that does care, like yourself, gets misinformation from a hack that has no business writing. Next time ask yourself, where is these numbers coming from? Can I find this same information from another reliable source? Not just one hack parroting another hack. Then you can feel better about knowing what you read is real and not just some clown trying to sell a story.
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Cpl Security Investigator And Trainer
I looked over this whole article for actual data and found none. Just a few percentages and a lot of statements. I'm not saying that this is absolutely untrue. I just wish there was more data to convince me. Multiple economists have said the opposite including the professor in my recent economics course.
Personally I think a $15 dollar minimum wage in my area is much to high. Here in rural Idaho when I first got out of the Marine Corps I was able to raise my family of 4 on $11 an hour with no government help.
PFC Al Sethre
PFC Al Sethre
9 y
In big cities like LA or NYC, $15 is totally acceptable, but in more rural areas, $10-12 is more feasible.
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SPC David S.
Edited 9 y ago
This guy is out there - “If someone were to force me to move the base wage in our manufacturing organizations to $15 an hour, we will be out of business in six months. Period,” said Joe Crawford, CEO of Seattle-based Pacific Coast Feather." That's coming from the CEO of Nick Hanauer's family owned business that has made him a 1%'er. His argument is based off of employment and not from the perspective of a small business owner. He doesn't seem to realize he's tying the cost of labor to the price of the small goods or services provided. This will in fact drive prices up when we're talking about low priced goods. $20 per hour baristas will drive up the price of coffee. This makes is harder for smaller business to compete with the large companies due to their economies to scale. As well a wage hike builds inflation into the economy which hurts consumers; especially low wage consumers.

Increases in the Federal minimum wage rate over the last 50 years has resulted in an overall increase of 237 points in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This means that something that cost $1.00 in 1960, would now cost $7.49. As well it is been proven over time that the increase in the minimum wage rate also drives up the wages of all Americans higher. It is also known that many small businesses cannot meet the demands for higher wages or pay higher payroll taxes and remain in business. In addition to Federal income and payroll taxes we all pay, the higher minimum wage affect on increase cost of living will result in higher state and local taxes such as sales tax and property taxes. As we all know, this leads to bigger government and more government spending resulting in a increase in spiraling government debt.

And to further add to the mix is automation - you raise the cost of labor higher than the cost of automation people are laid off.

The fix to income inequality is only temporary.
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