Posted on Jan 31, 2018
A US Veteran Says, ‘That’s It, I’m Giving Up On The United States’
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 9
OK. So quit and leave the country. Fine by me.
Now, proudly take up the banner for whatever cause(s) strike your fancy within your own new country and leave the issues in this country behind.
Because if you don''re telling me all you REALLY want to do is bray about your gripes from across the border.
If you're going to be a Canadian...then BE a Canadian. Not "Canadian-American" or whatever. Assimilate into THEIR culture.
Now, proudly take up the banner for whatever cause(s) strike your fancy within your own new country and leave the issues in this country behind.
Because if you don''re telling me all you REALLY want to do is bray about your gripes from across the border.
If you're going to be a Canadian...then BE a Canadian. Not "Canadian-American" or whatever. Assimilate into THEIR culture.
Carlo Valle is a veteran of the Marine Corps and U.S. Army. A graduate of international relations at the Catholic University of Paris, he works as a freelance business consultant and researcher in Montreal and a pathetic whiner who appears to confuse and conflate policy and country.
Goodbye Carlos, enjoy Montreal. They cannot even agree on a language in that province. BTW, your great bastion of freedom there is now telling immigrants not to come to Canada any longer since we have started limiting their ability to come or stay here illegally.
Goodbye Carlos, enjoy Montreal. They cannot even agree on a language in that province. BTW, your great bastion of freedom there is now telling immigrants not to come to Canada any longer since we have started limiting their ability to come or stay here illegally.
The thing that really torques my gears here is the blanket associations. I can't denigrate the guy's service (lacking facts, I have to presume he served honorably/competently), but what...does he think he's the only OEF/OIF vet who saw more forest than trees? I can somewhat understand an 18 year old college co-ed with no foreign experience buying into the whole "we should just love everyone" bit (its a great notion)...but someone with his experience should realize that it isn't "xenophobia" to be legitimately concerned that some of the same crazies we encountered "over there" might be camping out in our own backyards. The very day every anti-immigration reform, liberally minded person volunteers to move ten or twelve people from these regions into their homes without any serious vetting...I'll consider taking them seriously.
SSgt Christopher Brose
That last sentence wins the whole debate IMO. I regret that I have but one thumbs-up to give for my hero.
MAJ William Roberts
Legal immigration works, if people break any other law it's enforced. If it's ok to break one law then why isn't it ok to start breaking other ones. I also agree that if you don't like the laws and way of life here in the US then feel free to leave and live somewhere else. I am sure that before long you will realize that this nation may have issues but it is still the greatest nation in the world. I'd put my life on it, oh wait I did. :) I just hope more people who like to bash and put down our great nation yet reap the benefits of being a citizen would try the other options, perhaps they would appreciate it here a lot more.
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