Posted on Feb 11, 2023
Air Force Ships 170,000 Pounds of Supplies Along with Rescue Dogs and Search Teams to Turkey
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
It's nice that we can mobilize assistance at the drop of a hat in order to help those in need. It's a shame we can't/won't do the same for homeless veterans.
SMSgt Bob W.
What is a "homeless veteran"? I know what a homeless person is; however, I don't know the difference between a homeless veteran and a homeless person. I have talked with many homeless people while servicing them meals and almost all claim to be homeless vets. When asking them questions like where you were stationed, I get unrelated answers such as: "Yea, I was in the Army stationed Charleston, SC [I don't know of any Army installation in Charleston SC.] or I was in the Navy and our port was St. Louis, MO. They know the word "Vet" will get them more money [on the street corner]. You tell them about the VA programs, and they tell you they don't have any paperwork to show they served in the military. After that, you give them a card with the phone number of VA an assistance representative. Out of 30 "Vets", maybe only 5 are true Vets and maybe one will call the number to get assistance. I find shelters and assistance to the homeless only are used to the maximum during harsh winter months. Alcohol, drugs and broken homes appear to be the big reasons they are homeless. Mental health is a contributing factor.
The kind of response you would expect. We may not always see eye to eye with Turkey lately but we will always come to someone's aid when tragedy strikes.
The U.S. always responds to disasters to help those in need even some of those hate us. A lot of Moslem nations hate us and refer to the U.S. as the great Satin, but they will sure as hell take our money. I'm not saying this about Turkey but there are a lot of moslems that hate us but the U.S. is bigger than that and will always help others in disasters. God Bless all of those suffering, and God Bless the U.S.A.
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