Posted on Jun 18, 2018
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Gotta hand it to the left, when it comes to virtue signaling, nothing is off the table.
CMSgt (Join to see)
Who said Barbara Bush was a leftist? The left does not differentiate based on political affiliation, in fact using a conservative for virtue signaling is a bonus.
CMSgt (Join to see)
"During a speech on Monday at an awards ceremony for the Women’s Forum of New York, Hillary Clinton said: “What’s happening to families at the border right now is a humanitarian crisis. Every parent who has ever held a child in their arms, every human being with a sense of compassion and decency, should be outraged.” She repeated this in a tweet." LOL!

Opinion: What Clinton doesn't get on immigration - CNN
Ruben Navarrette says in her Town Hall answers, the former secretary of state seemed to flunk the immigration issue, just like Obama.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
[~1006219: CMSgt Mark Parris. Both Mrs Bush and Ms trump condemned what is happening on the p border it is not a political matter it is a moral one, that is why The Southern Baptists and other groups are condemning it also, or are yo going to say the SBC is on the left? Or the Prohibitionist Church USA?
CMSgt (Join to see)
Was it a moral imperative back in 2014 when Obama was President and HRC made the statement above? No? Why not? People are now somehow sympathetic towards parents that use their kids as pawns to game the system then complain when the system attempts to close the loopholes that create the problem in the first place. Madness.
Here is an idea for all those people who want to protect illegals then stand in line and take ownership of a family and do so with no assistance from the government ie use your own dime to take care of them. Sponsor them until they become legal, let's see how many will be in that line? Second for all of those people that dont want a wall, I wonder how they would feel if the government said ok no border wall but everyone in the US will have to remove any and all barriers ie fences and walls on your property and no trespassing signs will no longer be valid so anyone can come on your property with no repercussions? How many will be against the wall then???
I’ll ask again, where was the outrage when this was going on during the Clinton and Obama years? And Carter and W had their own dumpster fires that don’t give them a leg to stand on in this argument.
Let’s not forget this...
Let’s not forget this...
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
OBama did not take kids from thier parents then call them unaccommpanied, that via a perversion new to trump.
The kid in that photo was taken to return him to his only parent. So you do not even get a nice try for that one.
The kid in that photo was taken to return him to his only parent. So you do not even get a nice try for that one.
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