Posted on Jun 18, 2016
All Marines to undergo 2-day training as women join combat units
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Political correctness run amock... Marines in these units are laughing at their weak kneed leaders behind their backs while morale is continually being degraded. It's just the truth folks. Don't shoot the messenger.
Reserve units have until Jan 31? IIRC, they get 24 training days a year + Annual Training. (In infantry units at least) 14 of those are for the field, 1 for the ball, 2 in December to help run Toys for Tots, 1 for PFT, 1 for CFT, 8+ are needed for annual training classes, and 3 for the new Lance Corporal Seminar. Let's just squeeze this new training in in the 'drill periods' that are made up out of thin air.
You see, because of the addition of so many totally ridiculous annual training classes and administrative requirements, your average grunt reservist actually put s in 40+ training days a year already, while still only getting paid for 24.
So, I'm pretty sure they wont mind adding a couple extra unpaid days on top of of that during the holiday season for some more BS training for something we universally demanded that we didn't want and were forced to accept in the name of PC.
You see, because of the addition of so many totally ridiculous annual training classes and administrative requirements, your average grunt reservist actually put s in 40+ training days a year already, while still only getting paid for 24.
So, I'm pretty sure they wont mind adding a couple extra unpaid days on top of of that during the holiday season for some more BS training for something we universally demanded that we didn't want and were forced to accept in the name of PC.
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