Responses: 1
A1C Ian Williams
I'm sure an engineering officer or science officer would be better equipped to explain how the plasma is also working in concert with other particles in order to coordinate the exchange of potential differences. SGT (Join to see)
Capt Daniel Goodman
What you say is basically true, howecer, I can most definitely assure you tyemphysicsmof lightning while certainly related to that of plasmas, is far more complex than you've gotten into here. Lightning occurs depute to triple physics, not dipole physics, which is a far more complex problem in electrostatics...further, get the book by Loeb on corona discharge, to truly understand corona physics, there are numerous other aspects to the field, I assure you...if you want to understand corona discharge, you need to completely understand Poisoon's equations, and be able, minimum, to solve it as a boundary value problem (BVP), look up he Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions, that you must understand, in order to understand the relation between light optics, as opposed to he analogous phenomena in electron optical analogies...I could explain !ore, however, to completely understand lightning requires very extensive numerical modeling, incl a good deal of aeronomy, or upper atmospheric physics, along with considerable synoptic meteorology...I'd look at the Natl Weather Svc of NOAA, and their sites on their severe Strom labs, and also corresponding NASA pages, to have a more thorough idea honest, OK?
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