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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
America is not a piece of real estate. It's We the People. Some of us are definitely ready for socialism and some of us (those with better education and at least a modicum of common sense) most definitely are not. More importantly, none of US are anxious to move to Venezuela or any other socialist hell hole.
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Capt Dwayne Conyers
Let's see some numbers
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CW3 Kevin Storm
Democratic Socialism started with FDR, expanded under LBJ, and subsequently expanded in one way shape or form under every democrat since.

Health care in the US has a major flaw, and I know many people will be offended by it, but I work in the field and I see it across the board, the fact the costs for services is not universal.
The cost of healthcare is not regulated in a sense that it makes sense How many CEO's and CFO's can tell you what the cost of procedure is, they can't because for every insurance plan their is a negotiated payment, something the non insurance holders can't get access to, so for every insurance plan out there, there is a different coverage. Now throw in Medicare, which pays less than the lowest Insurance plan, now Medicaid which pays less than Medicare. We have by far the most complicated idiotic system of financing healthcare.

Here is another good Example, the VA is the largest healthcare system in United States, like it or hate it, it was one of the programs that was looked at for the Medicare Part D Program, the pharmaceutical companies balked at the idea, why? Because the VA has some of the cheapest negotiated rates for prescription medications. That program would not have paid Big Pharma the money they want. So they said they would not sign on, so the VA style program was scrapped. Costing tax payers billions.

This is only one of several systems that could be used to reel in costs. Allowing patients the choice to opt out of certain aspects of treatment plan. A surgery I had many years ago kept me in the hospital for a week. Every day the Anesthesiologist came by to say and see how I was doing, the IV bag that costs at that time less than a dollar, and his visit were costing me $400 a day.

The United States loves to use fee capitation as means of regulating healthcare costs, here is the problem for many healthcare systems fee capitation often pay less than what the procedure or lab test costs the facility performing it. You can't have a system that is based on paying less for more, it doesn't work. This is why see the ridiculous $200 for two Tylenol, because there are things a hospital is limited in charging, things that can't charge for (Nursing Services come to mind), and a host of regulatory committees/organizations that come with stuff that drive costs through the roof. Some of which is needed, and some just set up land fills with crap that is questionable at best.

Free Education...no, if you give it away, it won't be enough, there will always be those who will forever live in the stratum of Professional Student. Some things are worth working for and education is something I don't believe should be given away. Public Service as part of the payment for Education, I have no issues with. Whether that means Civilian Conservation Corp, Military Service, Public Health, Teaching underserved populations, legal defender, or some other Government Program to get people to earn their education I can see as being beneficial. Now comes the Asterisk, you have to be qualified to go to the school, if you can't pass high school you are not getting into Trade School/College. Sorry no deal, you got to earn it.
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