Every couple of years I run across this and it resonates more and more truth.
When did we become focused on identifying ourselves on our political parties, caring more about who we relate to versus who we should be caring for. We look at the union as a conversation piece to denounce and disown people who we care about because we look at the world differently? We used to use difference as a tool to grow, not to marginalize and single out based on someone’s different framework or opinions.
When did we start hiding behind fear of change? When did it become ok to support someone who spews hate in an office that is supposed to spread support, understanding and care?
Why has it become ok to host a stand off where only the American people suffer, not those elected to represent us? It’s days, months and weeks like this that we should look for accountability, question our scholars, stand against lack of accountability and force this country to open its eyes to the bigger problems.
These things host a nation not growing, but dying. And yes! I am questioning the voices that have that power, the power to move and motivate, inspire and fight.
This is not a time to worry about who you voted for or which party is representing you, it’s time to ask why is my voice not more demanding? Why is my neighbor hungry, why can’t I depend on the support of a government swarm to protect me and why am I not asking more when I give more?
Take time to watch this video and truly, hopefully I believe that standing your ground, being the opposition when it is MerritS are needed will help change today, for tomorrow.
Beating our chests, staying soft in our speech and fear of backlash cannot be where you me or him or her live, we need change, we need people to listen and we need someone to realize your politics, our politics is keeping them, him, her and us from thriving. Stop worrying about sounding ok, stand and ask why!