An experiment from 1632 by Galileo ...the first ever 'Sound Recording'?
Those are references dealing with the experiment....
galileo%20brass%20plate%20iron%20chisel%20dialogue%20first%20recorded%20sound - AOL Search... ...
Here's the Wikipedia page on the treatise....
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Wikipedia
The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo) is a 1632 Italian-language book by Galileo Galilei comparing the Copernican system with the traditional Ptolemaic system. It was translated into Latin as Systema cosmicum[1] (English: Cosmic System) in 1635 by Matthias Bernegger.[2] The book was dedicated to Galileo's patron, Ferdinando II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, who received the...