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Responses: 7
SSG Ray Strenkowski
Just an observation... but in an organization such as the military where conforming to a system of rules and appearance used to be the standard, I have to wonder where exceptions for certain groups to be different will take us.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
Rules can also state, Sikh's can wear the modified uniform, but that takes courage on the part of the service to say that. I can guarantee that if you have a Sikh in your team he or she becomes a force multiplier.
SSG Ray Strenkowski
SSG Ray Strenkowski
>1 y
I'm not passing a judgement - just chewing on this...

My first reaction is that when someone goes out of their way to be different, when everyone else is conforming to a standard that it may cause issues within a unit. I'm also pretty certain this will lead to a litany of requests for exceptions, some of which will certainly be outlandish.

I've been wrong many times before, and I have no ill will towards Sikh tradition, but there are many of us who have traditions which are put aside for the greater good while we serve our nation.
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SrA Edward Vong
Ultimately, I feel the decisions can be adequately made on the grounds of whether or not it adversely affects the mission.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
Many fail to see that humans function on Tribal mentality and are more willing to accept some one of similar appearance, therefore the local people in the countries we currently operate in, will be more accepting of Sikhs, that is a Force Multiplier.
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CPT Pedro Meza
Uniform regulations can also state Sikh can wear their traditional wear and beard with the uniform, sad that the military lacks the courage to see what Sikh wear bring to the fight against the religious idiots we are currently fighting; Sikhs are Force Multipliers.
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