Personal opinion: the al-Assads tortured and raped people in jail while denying citizens of their country the right to having a fair trail, and they barrel bombed little kids. What the devil!
The idea that the Syrian people yearning for freedom from a terrible dictator whose Alawite dynasty had oppressed the Sunni majority for decades are “terrorists” is a gross misrepresentation of the origins of the current conflict. The label has been used from the start by Assad’s government to justify brutally oppressing demonstrations against his government and demands for democratic change. Assad was murdering his people, and calling them terrorists, long before Isis or Jabhat al-Nusra had any role in the Syrian civil war.
The Assad regime has a seemingly infinite capacity for evil, and an inability to be touched by compassion. At the very best he is dangerously deluded about what is happening, and the atrocities he has ordered. But most likely he is a monster. Half the population of his country have been driven from their homes, more than 400,000 have now died and Assad is believed to be responsible for up to 95% of the casualties.
His regime has rightly been criticised across the world, except by his backers in Russia and Iran, and sanctions against him and his cronies include a ban on their entry to European nations. There is one exception to this however: Assad’s wife Asma is still able to come to Britain because she retains her British citizenship.
British citizenship is an honour to hold, and should be highly prized. I know personally how precious citizenship of our great country is, as someone who was not British by birth. As one of her husband’s chief cheerleaders in his murderous campaign of oppression, Asma al-Assad is no longer worthy of British citizenship. Not when she has used her platform on social media to defend her husband, deny his use of chemical weapons and attack the west, while portraying life in the war-ravaged country as blissfully normal .