Posted on Nov 26, 2021
Biden South Africa travel ban announced hours after Fauci said White House didn't know enough to...
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
The ban was announced mere hours after Fauci told Biden it was needed. We know Donnie would of called it a light flu and again would of ignored the people who actually know what they are talking abut. Of course fascist Fox and it's followers just can't see that Brandon is doing a great job.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Just think what things would be like today, if Donnie Boy acted like this back in February 2020! Oh and before you Donnie lovers tell us he banned travel from China check history, it came here from Europe.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Trump never instituted a complete travel ban. He issued a few travel restrictions. Just because he called it a travel "ban" means nothing. Only two Democrats criticized his restrictions at the time. None of the Democratic candidates at the time did nor the party's congressional leaders.
Also the restrictions were uniform recommendations of public health officials at HHS. There also wasn't enough data to ever prove if those restrictions saved lives or reduced cases. Also other countries issued travel restrictions initially too.
Also the restrictions were uniform recommendations of public health officials at HHS. There also wasn't enough data to ever prove if those restrictions saved lives or reduced cases. Also other countries issued travel restrictions initially too.
Say, I forgot, the main virus strain we got came from Europe. Now come on, i know you trumpkins remember, when donnie told all of the americans over there to come home.
I guess it was just a matter of time before it split off into another strand. Keep it out of America.
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