While Batman, the 2-week-old pink piglet, and Sriracha the kitten look like the cutest best friends ever, the kitten actually relies on the piglet in a big way.
You see, Sriracha has a neurological disorder that causes frequent seizures and makes it hard for the little black kitten to walk. The two are currently with a New Jersey rescue organization called Rancho Relax, where they spend all their time together.
“Sriracha is our special-needs foster kitten. She has a neurological disorder called CH. Feline cerebellar hypoplasia is a non-progressive, non-contagious neurological condition that results in walking and balance problems,” Caitlin Cimini, founder of the organization, says on Instagram about the kitten. “I swear, he knows she has had a bad couple of days and feels the need to comfort her!”
Workers at the rescue center say that Batman can tell when Sriracha is about to have a seizure and immediately rushes to the kitten’s side and puts his body on top of the kitten’s.
As you’ll see in the video, Batman doesn’t just walk up to his friend, he presses his body right up against hers, which helps her during seizures.
And Sriracha may not be able to speak, but I can definitely tell she is so thankful for her little friend.
“Sriracha gives Batman a bath every single day,” Caitlin says. “They truly love each other so much. It is so moving.”